Yep, Moof is a lying sack who seems to have an innately disingenuous soul; welcome to the law.
Don't be silly - most of the time you are fairly sensible.
You pride yourself on knowing nothing about anyone here - we are not even 'allowed' to use real names. And then you make a comment suggesting it's all based on class. That's foolish.
Moreover, House of Commons style debate - whilst I accept that it may appeal to those who like to see gladiatorial contests - isn't debate in any real sense of the word, which is why politicians are, by and large, failures in real jobs. To compare what goes on here to parliamentary debate is to invoke an illusionary sense of values. I do, however, agree that there is too much personal abuse, unthinking comment and self-regarding rhetoric. So I suppose it is like parliament really.
I don't believe for a second you would really take a view on someone based on whether they were lower-middle class or not. That is an affectation which isn't borne out by most of your other comments. As a way of having a go it may make you feel better so by all means. If you really want to match backgrounds then publish away...
I note that no one has been able to answer the substantive point. Nor has anyone dared put their behaviour to their wife. QED (for those without Russ's impeccable upbringing you will need to google the latin ).
Last edited by formby (2009-10-18 15:56:21)
There you are - and he gave you a smiley as well.
Mafoo smells of poo.
Grossgrain Silk smells of milk.
... Russell Street smells of feet?
(Beter than poo, anyway...)
Last edited by formby (2009-10-19 14:08:56)