Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-11-02 19:00:05)
... i wonder if i am now totally mental...
You wouldn't be alone Russell. Lots of nut jobs online, some of my haters even reckon l should be on the couch, they are probably right half the time.
l like it when this guy sings the Barbie song.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-11-02 20:04:27)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2009-11-03 01:21:27)
Mornin' Voltie - Another late one for you?
Best -
Tell me again, why does Mafoo expose his wife to all of this?
What good has ever come of this sort of thing?
Last edited by Big Tony (2009-11-03 13:04:30)
Does Mafoofan call Tatoo on a first-name basis online?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-11-04 07:21:19)
For the records, I never posted "Interesting chit-chat for a law school discussion board."
That was Voltaire's Bastard.
A shoe circle reminds me of a crop circle. The Lizard People. Freemasons. Obelisks. Men's hats, by Reynolds Wrap. The whole weirdness enchilada.