oh lord, what can one say
fetchez la vache!
All of which may very well be true, Bish, but Ford as a style icon?
The "trads" at Andy's comb the archives of "Life" looking for features about astronauts, as well as Schenley Whisky ads portraying real men in boring clothing, thus justifying their desperate social and sartorial existence.
^ And the rewriting in their own image of the source material they find never fails to amuse. Ford is now 'Trad'.
Interesting way to use trousers to distract people from your pie hole.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-17 22:51:47)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-18 03:09:47)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-18 20:39:09)
but he shoots his own argument down by saying that glued feathers "will" fall apart but he's had a pair of "crappy" loafers which have lasted 20 years, a disconnect he can't (or won't) explain, which I think proves the point others are making that the ultimate quality is simply too much since the cost would be too high, thousands of analogies could be trotted out to illustrate this point, he also just dodges fair and honest questions which I cannot respect no matter how knowledgeable or skilled he may be, I guess we must disagree this time!
Perils of iGentility:
"Horrific", the second most over-used word in the iGent vocabulary; second only to "vulgar"..
The poor little lamb got his feelings all hurt.
l like Globetrotter, but he does come across as a abit of a wanker in this thread.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-19 22:14:57)
Probably had the hots for her but when he heard the word "dapper" he knew he was dead in the water.
Speaking of dapper, try to sleep tonight after seeing this:
Last edited by Popeye Doyle (2009-12-20 13:10:36)
Big C. is the very soul of 'Trad'.
and i'm not joking here