Snoozer would be a Hush Puppy man. He probably has cardboard and synthetics used in his good ones.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-21 03:51:38)
Men acting like girls again:
Snoozer is strictly 70's. Look at that bowtie; the bow is tie-it-yourself (obvious), but it is 1970's style, l should know. Snoozer is cheap rent mate! Snoozer reeks of cheapness, but l bet he's a nice guy.
lt's happy holiday's and many blokes are in happyholiday spirits, but l saw 5 men in leather soled shoos today. All the shoos were cheaply made crap (relentlessly low brow), but it was a pleasant change. lt's very rare to see leather soles where l live, i'm yet to see even a mid-end shoo lol.
Regards lads: The Shooman.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-22 05:00:11)
Snoozer needs to start havin' fun again; he's a boring old bugger.
l bet ole snoozer has lots of polyestor in his closet. He'd have lots of fused jackets too.
Snoozer doesn't stand for quality, he stands for low rent.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-22 08:50:54)
Snoozer is definately low rent, that is for sure.
Snoozer is the perfect posterboy for AAAC. He is old, boring, limp, and totally low rent...l bet he even has stained trousers (seems to be a common thing over there).
Snoozer looks like the type of guy who uses mothballs in his closet. Dead men walking smell of mothballs. Snoozer is old school...he is stale.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-12-22 10:00:45)
yeee haw and now the trad forum goes all cowboy on us....
Please stop calling him Boozer, Shooey. I know some very stylish alcholics and they shouldn't be insulted.