It may be my monitor but it appears that the turtleneck is covered with an impudent dusting of dandruff, which I believe qualifies as class nine sprezzatura.
Late-breaking news:
This thread has it all: bizarre question, asshole response, iGentry "My good sir"-ing one another, vitriolic comments about the evil fashion industry and its insidious promotion of low-rise pants. A tour de force!
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-01-26 20:30:31)
Another of my personal favorites.
On the sports issue, rivalries seem to have a different regional context. On both coasts, in the US, there is indeed a tendency to be a bit eclectic.
However, the Carolina/Duke basketball is unlike most others.
In the Southwest, If you are a Texas U alum, and express strong admiration for the Texas Aggie football program, you may be closer to the unlikely chance that a Carolina Alum would be a Duke basketball fan.
There's just something about this post(er) that made me think this might be appreciated.
Another igents trying to say that every last fits his foot well because it's "cosmetic changes forward of the toes".
LOFL, what a silly old dope.
Mr Rotten will love this: (shoo creases)
Guy who bought a pair of heavily used Lobbs on eBay hysterically quizzes the AAAC forum on whether it's permissible to paint the soles black. This is the same poster who asked if he could bring his Lobbs into a department store to have the employees renew the lot number and size writing on the inside of the shoe. Protip: if you want a pair of pristine, authentic Lobbs you may purchase them at any store that sells pristine, authentic Lobbs.
Re: Black soles
Last edited by Patrick (2010-01-28 09:16:02)
Re attending the flatulence event.
Somebody tried this before, buddy.
lol, wasn't sure if I should post it here or in the "You can't make this shit up" thread,
One more. Eric Glennie's next million, the fully canvassed suit, back included:
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2010-01-29 03:35:36)
Pentheos gets it.
ALSO, this gem:
"I have a fussy problem with my pants! Please boss me around!" Cue strident, moralizing scolding about pants fit and the virtues of bespoke. As we all know, no off the rack pair of pants has ever fit any better than a garbage bag.
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-01-29 17:57:39)
This bloke is full of it!