Black market.
id honestly call that black...
Last edited by 4F Hepcat (2010-02-07 02:55:00)
Some award-winning inanity going on at AAAC as I type!
This, again, seems to be an ineffably iGent question: "I want dark brown shoes, but for some reason I have decided that the only way to achieve this esoteric goal is by getting tan shoes and polishing them with dark shoe polish. Internet, please approve of my decision." OH MY GOD PEOPLE. Just buy the things you want. Buy the brown shoes. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! "I want a nice pair of cotton chino shorts - can I buy a pair of Bill's khaki's on closeout from Sierra Trading Post and then have my tailor make them into shorts? How much will this cost?"
This guy "casually" mentions that he spends much of his time in meetings with members of Parliament. Do these MPs think "you know what would be a good use of my time? Changing the color of some garment that I purchased!"?
Oh no, wait, this is the quintessential iGent:
The guy wants gold collar stays to match his gold jewelry. Good lord. This seems like trolling/showing off for the other weirdos on AA, but of course Mr. Kabbaz smells a deal and takes it totally seriously.
Here we have a newly-converted iGent showing off his collection of unbelievably boring shoes in a series of gigantic, blurry photographs. I remember various friends of mine in college who had finally gotten enough distance from their parents that they could come out of the closet as gay or lesbian. Generally they would spend about six months being as gay as any human possibly could be, then they would realize, "oh that's right, I just happen to like my own gender, I don't have to make every single thing about myself an expression of sexual identity." This post somehow reminded me of that: "Hey guys! I just might be a 'shoe nut' too! Let's all be shoe nuts together! Whoooo! Shoes!"
I already posted this thread once, but it's getting really good:
The classic iGent position of "Well, those people at NASCAR who made fun of you for wearing a morning coat and tophat are just insecure!" comes out all over (hint: if you are dressed radically differently from everyone around you, you are not really dressed "well"). We have Cruiser introducing various nightmarish, surreal sketches of sleazy biker bars, various internet tough guys claiming that THEY would have decked the person who made fun of their ascot. Something for everyone. If you read one idiotic AAAC thread this season, make it this one.
Aww, thanks Big Tony! What can I say, Ask Andy is my muse.
The gays in the military thread is stupendous, good eye. Apparently these Ask Andy posters are the only people out there who still think of the American male homosexual as some kind of mythical creature, like a griffin or dragon, whose habits may be known through second-hand reports but who would certainly never be encountered in daily life. "I think a Gay Fellow served me dinner at my club once! Are they the ones who wear baubles in their ears?"
This particular post is a sheer delight. The Gays, like married men, women, and the elderly, are less prone to random violence, STATISTICALLY. Attention, National Science Foundation: send $500,000 in grant money to WouldaShoulda, this guy has his finger on the button!
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-02-07 18:59:19)