I fear that the wearing of my Tramezza will make it easier to notice the cheapness of my Giorgio Grannini trousers and Gianni Tuscannini ties? Does the cowshit ringing the welt make me look off?
Inanity.... like a bowling ball across the top of your foot..
A most curious fora oddity: The poster, exemplified by Audi SS TC, who really knows next to nothing about bespoke tailors and, undaunted, happily volunteers information on bespoke fora that, in the end, is thoroughly useless.
Audi S5 TC
Joined: 06 Nov 2008
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:06 pm Post subject:
ay329 wrote:
Jordan Marc thanks for the heads up
As to a shirtmaker, I found Freddy through Ask Andy...Alex Kabbaz makes an excellent product but I can not place a $1000 value on a shirt at this point in my life
As to Fiorvanti, I'm not interested in his style and his prices are astronomical. Besides I've read only mediocre things about him and I have yet to locate a single customer of his to get some feedback.
The London Lounge has had some excellent threads on comparing Italian to English tailoring, and even more specific discussions on the difference amongst the different Italian regional style. Better yet, I've learned even within one city, ie. Naples, the styles vary.
Thus since I'll have a chance to fly through Rome and am exploring a new tailor, I see the opportunity to try one in Rome. I considered Naples with Rubinacci but opted his beautiful style was not for me. But Caraceni, Cifonelli (which has an outlet in Rome), or maybe Camps De Luca in Paris might be alternatives of trying a better tailor.
For my own style reasons, I opted to not try New York, even though I go there more often than Europe
Some other things that I really did not have the room for in the last reply topic that I posted about 35 minutes ago:
If you ever change your mind about going to New York for bespoke clothing, I highly recommend Raphael Raffaelli (New York City) based on the good to excellent experiences that numerous members of AAAC and SF have with him.
Roman Italian (which is the style that you are currently most interested in) is either Raffaelli’s definitive (definitive meaning mandatory) house style or default (default meaning primary) house style. His starting price for a two-piece suit is currently $3,600 with his four-piece suits currently starting at $5,400-5,760 (depending on whether his prices for a vest and a pair of trousers are 25%, 30% or somewhere between 25% and 30% of his two-piece suit prices). Not by any means a bargain basement (which bespoke clothing should never be anyway) but not by any means astronomical, either.
Also, if you ever change your mind about going to New York for bespoke clothing the only thing stopping me from recommending the following tailors: Frank Shattuck (originally in New York City but now in Cazenovia outside of Syracuse), Tony Maurizio (New York City) and possibly Vincenzo Sanitate (New York City) is their prices. The prices for these two or three New York tailors, while lower to significantly lower than Fioravanti’s prices, are still astronomical.
Frank Shattuck’s overall starting price for a suit is $6,500. His starting price for a four-piece suit is $9,750-10,400 (depending on whether his prices for a vest and a pair of trousers are 25%, 30% or somewhere between 25% and 30% of his two-piece suit prices).
Tony Maurizio’s overall starting price for a suit is $6,000. His starting price for a four-piece suit is $9,000-9,600 (depending on whether his prices for a vest and a pair of trousers are 25%, 30% or somewhere between 25% and 30% of his two-piece suit prices).
Vincenzo Sanitate’s overall starting price for a suit is $4,500-5,500 (unfortunately, I forget what his exact starting price for a suit is). His starting price for a four-piece suit is $6,750-8,800 (depending on what his starting price for a two-piece suit is and depending on whether his prices for a vest and a pair of trousers are 25%, 30% or somewhere between 25% and 30% of his two-piece suit prices).
Therefore Vincenzo Sanitate is just as possible a recommendation for as he is a possible recommendation against (for lack of a better description) if you ever change your mind and decide to buy you bespoke clothing in New York, ay329. It entirely depends on what this particular NY tailor’s prices are, of course.
I love how these guys know the price of everything......
I think the mods over at APAC really need to start administering an IQ test to their newbs..
But then again, I think every other poster over there is a troll, so maybe that explains it.
This is such obvious trolling, I almost feel sorry for the posters who are trying to be helpful and answering his questions:
... Yeah, but when you make yourselves look so stupid what do you expect?
Words fail.
But wait, I thought people in that place never, ever shamed their eyes by viewing our writings?
Interesting how they don't even have the definition of iGent down. Silly stuff.
When I want to show my manservant my inherent superiority over he, I leave 2 of the buttons unfastened on my Jos. A Bank sportcoat, demonstrating that not only am I smart enough to wear sportcoats, I am so smart I paid more to have the buttonholes made than I paid for the sportcoat at retail: