Last edited by Sarcophagus (2010-06-25 08:25:25)
I respectfully suggest that we not spend too much more time on religious hypocrisy and instead return to bemoaning the sartorial sins of our betters in the other places.
Bathroom dweller YoungCraneB frets over "Balmorals" looking good with polo shirts, especially when the polo shirt is 4 sizes too big:
I suppose we should be thankful but the Brits today are just listing their "attire" a la KitonBrioni, and not showing pics. No mirrors in the bathrooms overseas? Trouble finding the right film for the phone cameras?
But when some rare pics do make it out of England, the iGents are shocked at the Old Etonian's footwear. Fear not--Andy to the rescue!
Troll (yawn) surgeon's cuffsZzzzzzzzzzzzz:
The iGent's obsession with Wales Watching:
And their quest for comfort at any price, as long as it is reduced:
Last edited by Popeye Doyle (2010-06-25 10:41:20)
What claims title for Christianity ( and there are thousands of distinct variations, some outright cults and heresies) is what a Bud Light is to a award winning microbrewery's Christmas limited run. I will ( hopefully) cap this discussion with a orthodox prayer. God, forgive us sinners, Of whom I am the greatest.
Last edited by Sarcophagus (2010-06-25 17:26:37)
My ignoble igent past at askcruiser included a day invited to a very orthodox wedding. I actually went to the trouble of assembling my clothing within shatnez.
I figure if you're honoured enough to be invited you should play by the rules.
If I recall, reaction spanned from a NYC jew thinking I was too cool to christeeans panic stricken I didn't know what I was getting into.
I think I gained 10 lbs eating and lost 5 dancing. I tried coordinating yarmulka to tie and pocketsquare with Andy's colour wheel but gave up.
Last edited by ckav (2010-06-25 11:35:59)
Inane post of the day from the real housewives forum:
Are these people as stupid as their online personas illustrate?
Don't miss this pissing contest at SF:
Rap can trace back to african tribes where men would avoid physical conflict with verbal contests. That's a fancy way of saying 'talking trash.' I know the internet is a mixed gift of incredible potential information and exchange or nasty social behaviours.
But are these 'men' serious? Are they so emasculated the last drop of testosterone has to be bled out in such Jerry Springer bravado,bootleg video game combat?
I think a better measure of 'the man' if not his cuffs would be a one way ride to Cuidad Juarez, drop them off around noon in the drug turfs and spin the Indiana Jones fedoras after them.
"This is the real world muchachos, and you are in it."- B.Traven - TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE
Last edited by ckav (2010-06-26 00:33:00)
The dwarfish minds and deformed souls of the "fora" have emerged in force this Saturday morning:
"I say old bean, I'm going to play cricket and would like to look a bit of a ponce, what you Yanks call a douche-bag - is a blazer appropriate?" I don't know, maybe ASK THE FUCKING TEAM YOU'RE PLAYING WITH instead of a miscellany of cloth-fondling freaks from the internet?
Barf. Camorristi is one to watch on AAAAAAAAC, although I suspect he will be banned before too long. Hard to tell if he's trolling. "Camorristi" (or Camorra) according to Wikipedia, refers to the Neapolitan mafia, which I assume emerged from an alliance between the chocolate, vanilla and strawberry mafias.
"Purple loafers make you look gay! Not that there's anything wrong with that! hahahaha! Whatever!" No, most gay guys have some taste.
Forum misogyny par excellence. The thread takes exactly eight posts to go from "I had a disappointing shopping experience with a girl" to "you should brutally murder her." The original post is also a gem of iGent fantasy and delusion. I don't know what the end of the thread looks like because I accidentally gave myself a stroke by rolling my eyes too far back in my head.
I made the horrible mistake of checking out Interzone.
Ah, antisemitism! Now Andyland has the full set: xenophobia, misogyny, classism, and racism.
iGent TV!
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-06-26 06:52:08)
Last edited by Sarcophagus (2010-06-26 13:33:15)
Last edited by Bob Loblaw (2010-06-26 14:58:05)