Not all the dinosaurs are extinct. Here, Tossericus Rex frets over the big things. He left out one option, wear your perforated cap toes wth your tux and point out to everyone all evening that you know the shoes to be incorrect. Thus, you can be the life of the party and everyone will be relieved that they haven't invited an anal retentive fruitcake to the party.
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2010-06-30 07:13:47)
Caponettes in London--all very interesting except for second from left, I swear I knew him in college, Steve Rabinowitz or something...
Finally--A shoe store without attitude! (of course it isn't open yet, and it's in BH, and it's the guy from Hawaii, so I'll bet the attitude just hasn't been delivered yet)
Guy buys used AEs from Ebay with edge dressing graffiti, all the haters gang up on AE. Really, guys...:
New SF forum member confused by the differences between reality and Pixar animation, if not the whole concept of "make-believe": What's Ken wearing?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-06-30 20:43:47)
Last edited by Maximilien de Robespierre (2010-06-30 21:25:12)
Gil is absolutely on fire this morning.
Everyone's favorite Boycotter, the Oil of Oy!monde, offers a sartorial autobiography and history of English post-Mod fashion. With rare (unarmed) self-portrait! The Oil shares some traits with Cruiser---proud of his down-market enthusiasms, eager to post unsolicited pics of self, admirer of the Goth look, general know-it-all unpleasantness, etc. and we can always use more Cruisers.
Last edited by Popeye Doyle (2010-07-01 10:00:11)
This one is such a narcissistic asshole.