I can wear my zipper down on my trousers with my penis on display too, doesn't mean I should do..
The tie in this outfit reminds me of some cheap hooker's lingerie.
And what is wrong with this one's suit?
Last edited by maximus (2009-05-15 07:32:11)
Everyone has knee jerk reactions to clothes. Aside from what you would wear, you need to figure out what looks good or bad on someone else and why. Otherwise you get what you see far too often on these other forums. Usually the person never gets over their knee jerk reactions or why they have them but their familiarity with the topic makes them think they've learned which in turn leads to design and tailoring attempts.
These attempts fail because having free fall creativity in the wrong places, for the wrong reasons without consideration produces abominations. Which is why a lot of the outfits posted have an emotional, Giant vibrator sink and thrift store look to them; the wearers go from unimaginative to believing style is freedom of imagination. Which leads to the pairing of the most discordant items often as long as they are color coordinated.
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2009-05-15 14:09:46)
More worshipping at the altar of the cheap, Monsignor Jos A. Bank at the pulpit:
Dear Lord Mr. Shooman, for your perusal:
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-16 00:08:22)
Interesting news item on tonight's news. A man's daughter managed to snort some cocaine and drive off in his porsche at high speed and die in a horrific crash.
It's not my place, or intent to comment on those facts.
But a California Highway Patrol employee decided to share the photos of the dead girl nearly decapitated after other's spared the grieving parent's having to identify her.
Nasty business, the photo is online, downloaded by millions and somebody sent it to the father.
They have a lawsuit in court, issues of privacy again debated vs free speech.
The simple fact, the internet has little or no accountability for what people do on it.
I keep hearing about Andy quoted in some publication, read these constructs of how many angels in cruiser jeans can dance on the head of a pin dropped by Kabbatz ( at $1000 he actually uses each needle but once before shipping to Solingen for repointing on antique machines fortuitously missed by WW2 bombers) And SF machinations as clueless as Nazi racial profiling by head measurements. Real discussion about fine clothing has devolved to a studied mediocrity ruled by Rudyard Kipling's Bandar Log monkeys.
I've heard the internet called a highway. Tonight I am beginning to believe we have contructed a massive sewer works. And these fools are lining up for their place like it's friday night at the smorgasborg, $5.99 all you can eat, soft drinks, wine and beer extra.
Is the internet really the cause of all these problems, though, or is it just a magnifying glass througn which the worst of humanity is often on display? Strip away all responsibility and accountability, and people become animals. The internet is a fascinating sociological commentary, because it basically shows that the only thing keeping people civilized is accountability. We'll only behave ourselves if we think we'll have to pay some price for misbehaving. As soon as that accountability is out the window, people's true colors emerge.
Another i-gent: he wants to sand his AE's down so they look more elegant. Pthhh.
Last edited by Arrogant Bastard (2009-05-17 08:50:40)
I've taken to using my full name on forums. I figure good,bad or indifferent I stand behind my posts- or anything else of substance when the brickbats start flying.
I've had few actual encounters offline, and,ahem people are shocked to discover a 6'2" male with an attitude can record addresses just as easilly as stepping out of cars on the roadside when threatened online or cut off in traffic.