Could turn out to be a major $hit storm as senior types at the Pentagon never knew about the deal. Here's my two cents:
That's ridiculous. How is Sears even still in business? I would've thought Walmart would've put them out of their misery.
It's the logical extension of regimental ties.
“What a revolting development this is.” (Ten points for who said it; one hundred if you know without looking it up.) During the Viet Nam era, the government actually prosecuted protestors for using the symbol of the US disrespectfully on their clothing. The prosecutions were unsuccessful (pesky Constitution), but neither side could be accused of selling out. Indeed, I thought at the time, and still am of the view, that there was an appealing, or appalling, symmetry between the use of military clothing and symbols by both those fighting the war and those fighting against it. I’m an old man, as if that excuses anything.