O simple shoe that I adore
(the product of El Salvadore),
O Yankee child of Norse descent
(and recent offshore resident) -
Accept these lines, would they were better,
to eulogise your well-loved leather -
Beef-roll'd, tasselled, pure plain penny -
the forms you take are not too many.
A shoe wardrobe, at small expense,
a man may build in your demense.
O Wilton, Maine's most favoured son!
O pavement-pounding paragon!
O shoe of ease!
O shoe of grace!!
And master of the footwear race.
A shoe which, laceless, greets the foot
to walk around the neighbourhood.
A shoe to wear where ere you go -
Hurrah! for G.H. Bass and Co.
This cracked me up!
What happened to Miles?
Nobody knows.
Wish l had a pair of Weejuns in burgundy shell. Soooo trad. Would go good with a nice casual outfit.
Regards: The Shooman (casual trad)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-07-21 03:47:41)
Real Bass Weejuns of real cordovan. Did they ever make such a thing? Don't think so.
Alden & Bostonian shell cordovan moccasin penny loafers, yes. Perhaps others. Weejuns, probably not.
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-07-23 03:06:00)
Boat shoes:
Lovely Russell's: http://www.upnorthoutdoors.com/russell/shoes_boat/boat_boatshoe.html A proper shoe built to do its job.
So what? Quoddy's: http://www.quoddytrail.com/BoatShoes.htm Squishy, puckered leather.
Sounds very Tradly to me...
All Trads should be buried in Scottish bogs to give them that oh-so desirable patina of age.
Last edited by Terry Lean (2007-07-23 07:57:28)
Very good one Tel, in fact it's insesne in the membresne!