for my nephew - a big toast to you - my best pupill - cofoudner of trad - and professor of trolling - to you, sir, i tip my hat -
uncle gomie
Cofounder, or Confounder?
Awwwwww - Yesterday you guys wrote me poems, today you're tipping your hats... I'm very touched.
I was chatting to a few of the guys on the phone yesterday & the thing that kept coming up was how much freer everything is these days. All the old monopolies are broken down now thanks to FNB's place, the Malinda busters like Shooey & Horace and the creative actions of certain trolls. The old autocratic style of clothing MB is a thing of the past now - They only carry on because people choose to buy into the idea of asking some all knowing authority for advice. They're strictly for those who either choose to be sheep or are just very, very new to getting dressed by themselves in the morning. The rest of us have taken over and are free to do what we want now. We don't have to bow to anybody.
A much healthier state of affairs I think.
For my own pet subject - those funny American clothes that I like - the whole debate has just been well and truly exploded. The real fans own the subject now.
Inspiring stuff!
Indeed chums,, indeed.
Free at last,,free at last.
edited to remove un-Gentlemanly text.
Last edited by tripchauncey (2008-09-26 15:11:40)
Thanks for the edit, although I did enjoy the original!