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#1 2008-10-09 02:16:09

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Savile Row gives way to dress-down Friday

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#2 2008-10-09 04:38:16

Posts: 143

Re: Savile Row gives way to dress-down Friday

Yes, appalling. Perhaps everyone should just go back to fig leaves and be done with it.   roll

Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.


#3 2008-10-09 05:47:31

From: Chevy Chase, MD
Posts: 751

Re: Savile Row gives way to dress-down Friday

Slouching toward Bethlehem.


#4 2008-10-11 15:12:56

Bishop of Briggs
Posts: 3948

Re: Savile Row gives way to dress-down Friday

"In the Square Mile the rot set in when the last bowler hat was hung up during the financial and social turbulence of the early 1970s. Smart City suiting, the subtle Savile Row armour associated with the old-fashioned chivalric values of the merchant bank, gave way either to the scuffed black shoes and sagging, thin black socks of Big Bang deregulation".

Utter rubbish. I worked for the Stock Exchange during and after Big Bang. There were no scuffed shoes or sagging socks. Most men dressed like Gordon Gekko - pinstriped suits, bengal or candy striped shirts, spotted ties, braces and polished black shoes.

Those were the great Thatcherite days. Working class blokes like me could compete with, and beat, the thick public school wimps who had dominated the Square Mile in the past.

We made loads of dosh and drank champagne with women wearing short skirts and high heels. Sex in The City was real in those days, not a television fantasy.

Contrary to lies of FNB and Woofboxer, I (and most of the other "Buff Bastards") have been banned from posting on this forum. There are only a few posters left so don't waste your time on here. This forum is dead and nobody cares.


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