From those who know Panico, and I do not, he is even more elegant in person than his photos convey.
I don't know much about the quality of his work nor silhouette but again it's not in the tailoring alone which makes the man but in the style: how many guys do you know who wear a cream colored linen suit at all, much less with the great style and insouciance of a Panico. And how old is he?: 60s maybe?
Luca, Luca....what can you say, he is becoming a star. Again, it's not only the clothes that he wears nor the breezy way he wears them but his whole Italian devil may care aura of sprezzatura. He is a young guy, maybe mid-20s now, but appears very comfortable in his skin and his clothes which incorporate jacket and tie but all done in a very youthful way.
The more I see photos such as these, I am reminded that dressing well and attractively is not in the technicalities of the suit per se but rather in choosing great accessories, putting colors together creatively and tastefully and then forgetting about it and getting on with the day, enjoying life.
BTW, GH appeared on the Bonnie Hunt show recently with another knock out outfit; can anyone find that on You Tube....?
Proof that Naples can lose the plot -
New Year's Eve could go off without a bang for some Neapolitan men
Hundreds of Neapolitan women have pledged to go without sex unless their men promise to refrain from setting off dangerous illegal fireworks.
Local authorities are backing the women and have sent out text messages urging the men to "make love, not explosions".