- He leans to the right! - A few Homies. - Do please critique his style!
Please add your own praise of Sir Anthony here.
Best -
He had a flat on Jermyn Street at one time... Portman Square was just when he was busy with The Courtauld.
A very Gentlemanly fellow.
And what could be more Gentlemanly than being one of those?
I've oft wonder what motivated the Cambridge Five. What is it that makes well educated, intelligent men so deluded. Can't be just political idealism or is it...?
They were alienated from society because they were homosexuals in an age when that was both illegal and strongly disapproved of.
They were also from privileged backgrounds. They never had to do a hard day's work in their lives. It was all grounded in theory rather than the unpleasant realities of post-war Russia.
Well, as I'm the only one here so far who actually knows I shall tell you - It was fun.
It was chic, rather like being queer was. It linked one to the bigger picture. It was a further bond with one's close, close friends and it was all the most naughty, exciting fun.
True, that.
Best -
They're all very interesting characters, there's always something fascinating about people who lead duplicitous lives, even more so when they're right at the very hub of things. Perhaps, we secretly admire the sheer audacity of it, perhaps, we crave the excitement that such a life must entail with the constant fear of being exposed. For me, what I like most though, is the delicious irony of it all. I mean, being made head of a department who's primary responsibility is to root out spies, when you're the main one. You'd have to have a heart of stone not too chuckle...
Last edited by formby (2008-12-15 10:51:06)
So they were morons, then. I take back what I said earlier.
Others, I'm sure, realized life was a void and they needed to fill it with something.
Last edited by AQG (2008-12-15 11:58:34)