When you ask for opinions about clothing you have or are thinking of getting, what sort of feedback do you find most useful? And what type of people or viewpoints do you find most helpful?
Opinions and feedback from those with good taste and personal style are most helpful for me. I'd say my tailor and shirtmaker have been my biggest sartorial mentors in this regard because of their impeccable, classic sense of style.
Surprising answers. I had thought you guys in particular had pretty much worked out such issues. I myself look for information on cloth quality, suitability, i.e. the technical info of which I know nothing. I think, perhaps mistakenly, that I can put together an ensemble that is appropriate for me. However, knowledge of good cloth vs crappy cloth, etc. is far beyond me.
My parents provided my first exposure to good clothes. My father was a Brooks Brothers devotee before Ralph Lauren made preppy style more mainstream. When we went shopping for a new jacket for my Bar Mitzvah, leave it to my parents to pick out a brown tweed number with a self-belt. Later excursons to MacHugh's in Ridgewood, NJ, a wonderful traditional clothing store housed in an old Victorian mansion, now occupied by a generic bank, further imbued me with an appreciation for dressing well.
Does it matter whom the reactions come from? Whether they are online or offline, from men or women, from the mighty or the meek?
I find that my own reactions can vary quite a bit. Sometimes a negative reaction from someone I have disdain for can reinforce to me that I am indeed getting it right. Sometimes even a positive reaction from someone I disdain can make me stop what I'm doing in my tracks.
Some part of that begs the question whether being an individual or part of the herd is what i am aiming for.
My lifestyle can play a role too. I went to a party recently and realized I didnt have a shirt I really liked. Partly, I've ignored my casual shirt needs for a while in search of ever more "workplace" shirts. So i went out and got a few to tide me over. I actually paid attention to what suits, jackets or pants that i already owned and would wear these shirts with. I usually dont do that; instead getting the shirts first and figuring out what to wear them with later.
The same can be said for summer shirts as well as a few button cuff shirts to round off my legion of french cuffers.
Maybe part of the issue here are comments by the observer of things they do not own. When someone shows a suit or pair of shoes, do we need to comment? Are all good comments all that are required? Do negative ones, responsibly written, do more to help a fellow dandy out?
What do we mean when we say a certain combination works? On who and for what? Do we base it on what looks pretty? Can we leave this to anonymous strangers or really does feedback from people we admire or depend on matter so much more? Again, who's reactions are we looking for and what message do we want to send them?
Another area is how you perceive yourself. How do you want to dress? Do you have a theme? Is having a theme pat or a denial of the self. Or is it that knowing yourself you can go about defining your tastes; does this lead to overdoing it like only wearing brown and purple as a means to OCD ends?
My inspiration has always been "WWGFD?"-what would George Frazier do?