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  •  » What's all the hub-bub on tie silks? Italy, England, etc..

#1 2006-09-09 02:14:23

Posts: 6433

What's all the hub-bub on tie silks? Italy, England, etc..

I checked David's site for insight, but didn't find much on the differences (quality, appearance, etc etc -- if anything is tangible) between Italian and English tie silk.  I've noticed that many American firms (Talbott & Brooks, for example) use repp silk woven in England, whereas others use Italian.

Are their key differences between English and Italian manufacturing methods?   Can or do the English weave repp tie silk in a way that the Italians can't or do not?

Also -- what of interlinings?  I really like a simple tie (a la Brooks) without "folds" -- just the fabric interlining.
But what are the standard hi-quality materials that are used and how do they differ?

I guess what I'm looking for is a primer on the various high-grade silks and manufacturing methods of very good quality neckties.

What are the elements that were necessary for a high quality tie and what corners have been cut, recently, in the interests of cost?

What about, say a Brooks tie of today, is deficient in quality, if anything?

Why is it that despite the massive export of much sartorial manufacture, tie making apparently continues to thrive in the US?  Are costs low?  Is the process, in the US at least, relatively the same today as it was, say 30-50 years ago?

Last edited by Horace (2006-09-09 02:17:19)

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#2 2006-09-10 11:48:20

From: Denver, Colorado
Posts: 54

Re: What's all the hub-bub on tie silks? Italy, England, etc..

David Hober

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