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  •  » The London Shoemaker US New York & DC dates for September

#1 2006-09-20 10:35:25

London Shoemaker
New member
From: England & USA
Posts: 3

The London Shoemaker US New York & DC dates for September

Paul Davies - The London Shoemaker is pleased to announce the dates for his forthcoming visit to the
United States of America. He will be visiting New York and also Washington DC. Having been in the shoe trade for over 26 years he is now able to offer hand made bespoke shoes made the way they have always been in classic styles with modern and traditional toe shapes that suit you and  with a superb choice of calf skins, suede, buck and exotic skins aswell. Please feel free to come and see me and talk about your shoe requirements.
I will be in

New York
Monday 25th to Wednesday 28th September
The Helmsley Carlton
680 Madison Avenue at 61st Street
New York NY 10021
Tel 646-351-2548

Washington DC
Thursday 28th to Friday 29th
The University Club of Washington DC
1135 16th Street NW
Washington DC 20036
Tel 646-351-2548

Please also visit my website for more information


#2 2006-09-20 18:24:53

From: San Francisco
Posts: 239

Re: The London Shoemaker US New York & DC dates for September

Marc, that made me chuckle. Thank you.

Will's thoughts on classic men's clothing

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