America was also very seductive for the young executive... Imagine working in a supposed meritocracy!
(Pre WWII Europe was never, ever meritocratic - All the rags-to-riches stories were based on making a good marriage, flattering a rich patron or borrowing a lot of money at very high interest. Nobody ever, ever succeeded based purely on their own worth.)
The 'idea' of America, nevermind the reality, has consistantly sold in Europe post-WWII... Until relatively lately when all of a sudden nobody is quite as fun loving as they once were.
Shame, that.
PS - All of the above is purely a perception from the other side of the Atlantic. I'm sure that in reality in America all the rags-to-riches stories are just the same as in Europe. The trick is that you pretended that you had no class system so that all your Po' boys made good really shone out to us over here in the class-ridden Old World.
Neat trick!
What I find interesting is how UK youth seemed to change styles over the years, evolving as they go. By contrast, I've always considered American youths to fix on a particular youth style in high school, hold on to it until the first adult job, and then shift to "boring suburbanite" -- no evolution, little experimentation, and closed minds (in terms of style).
Last edited by Horace (2006-11-24 15:35:39)
Isnt the point of RL's Black label to bring back that 60s Beatles/JFK era slim look?
Hey Ringo.
I think the intellect has its place in Cool but it comes below instinct and a 'feeling' for whatever is being discussed.
There is a distancing in Cool as well. Everything is at a remove from the 9-5 world of the squares (Squares? How old am I?).
So if you're Hip you're here but not really here because everything running through you is different from what the shop-soiled nine-to-fivers experience.
You take yourself away from things you dislike by being Cool. You consciously create a world wthin yourself that ignores the straight world.
A bit inaccessable. A bit hard to fathom. Your own game played by your own rules.
And I completely agree about Get Smart's wardrobe. Cool.
... I too wrestle with the 'ironic' thing... Hard to imagine a world now where things had more subtlety and layers of meaning upon meaning when all we are ever presented with these days are crude cartoons of what style (any style) is all about.
I wont rant about "Trads" just for a change, but they are a great example of something complex and interesting (Ivy) reduced to the level of a child's colouring book just so it has a 'curriculum' that's easy to digest & understand...
(OK that was a mini-rant!)
Ivy New Year to you all -