The knot leading towards the girls' bare waist and the slight declivity, into her left groin. Next, her hair and then her face and then the scared little tit that she is yanking about by that antique thing called a tie.
The bulge of tumescence in the guys pants, accommodated by his double pleats, then his beltless pants with loops.
Then I wondered why his daughter/ niece or PA was wearing denim with denim. However on closer looking its a chambray top with blue non denim pants.
Last edited by fxh (2011-02-10 18:30:25)
oh btw fnb, NJS and others that original wineglass image / ad has appeared in a few local glossies lately. As far as I can see its not been altered for the Australian market. Theres a similar one featuring a female silhouette.
Last edited by fxh (2011-02-10 18:36:07)
Last edited by fxh (2011-02-10 18:44:49)
The Riedel glass shapes do make a difference in the nose. I too was skeptical but have experienced the difference in the wines first hand. Unfortunately they are also relatively expensive and fragile.
I do not think holding the glass in that way makes one a poseur. It is in fact a very good way to maintain a clean glass - imagine eating finger food or Hors d'oeuvres at a cocktail party - one doesn't want their finger prints all over the glass, because, despite your bespoke suit, you will look like a greasy, grubby peasant.
Additionally, holding a glass in this manner provides a better grip than just holding the stem alone and it also prevents the wine from warming as quickly as it would if one held the glass by it's body or bowl.
And, not to belabor the obvious, if one's job is to sell wine glasses in proprietary shapes, it seems pretty stupid to obscure the shape of the glass in the ad.
That being said, I think the ad in question is simply poor graphic design by someone with no real interest in sartorial matters.
Edited for: is
Last edited by K. A. Adams (2011-08-23 14:48:10)
^I thought they're dressing like homeless rock stars to avoid being lynched by the poor huddled masses as they are dragged out of their sport's cars for a good kicking and rough justice by the people for trashing the economy and bringing the West to subsmission?
At first I just shook my head about this and thought about posting it in the inane thread, but this sure is a way to think abut clothes in an certain enviroment:
I think this dude is not too far off believing that clean cargos and a Breitlingwatch will seriously sway his audience.
It's pretty simple: The suit and / or the quality and style of one's clothing were once a very rigid system of class signifiers. Now that there is 'class mobility' or even the denial that a class system exists, people no longer see the signifiers as necessary and perhaps, out of some sort of contorted political correctness, avoid any appearance of wealth whatsoever.
Has it ever occured to anyone that nothing more complex than "comfort" may be involved? K.I.S.S.