I pretty much just sneer at very successful gentlemen like Mr. Ralph Lauren & Mr. Jeremy Hackett.
Usually I accuse them of manufacturing 'theme park clothing'.
Quite why I have such a problem with those who do such a thing (and do it so well) is genuinely beyond me.
I THINK it's because I'm always after the 'real McCoy'. Those items of clothing which are in some way 'authentic'. This must be because my obsession is for imported U.S. clothes and a good copy is always a 'fake' to my way of thinking.
Anybody else afflicted with this problem?
I looked at some Ralph stuff on Saturday & it looked fine. Overpriced, but fine. Had I bought it nobody but me & Mrs Lean would ever have seen the label inside. Yet the fact that it wasn't 'real' U.S. import from J.Simons stopped me from investing. Interesting.
How important is 'authenticity' to you?
Last edited by Terry Lean (2006-11-27 11:18:19)
Go beneath the surface and symbol at your peril. -OW
And I guess also how 'real' is anything anymore with El Salvadore Weejuns & Shetlands from China, etc.?
Maybe it's all smoke & mirrors now.
Sad but true, Sir.
Anyone from London remember that feeling of walking out of John's with THE PERFECT SHIRT or loafers or whatever, knowing that as soon as you went out in them later that night people would be asking you about them & wanting to see the label, and how you would rehearse in your head how you'd say 'Oh it's just a Troy/Sero/Whatever. I've a couple of others back home. Nice full collars don't you think?'
Buffalo Creek Traders! Did I alone buy them?
An e-mail from Sebago, a while ago, about their loafers reveals that they consider their "intellectual content" (presumably the design of the shoe) to be "Made in the USA", so part of the shoe is made in the USA as well. Even though it's not. I should try to find the e-mail. If memory serves, it was clever.
Bean's the worst for me though. Those buggers can't even offer a line of quality Maine made shoes anymore.
I was in Greenbay WI back in 2002 for a rocknroll weekender and a local store in Greenbay had a huge stock of Made in US Chuck Taylors and once the word got out at the weekender, all the rockabilly guys rushed out there and bought them up (most were Euro or Japanese). and they only cost $25
I like Horace's view on Authenticity....about a product being made in the country that gave it its pedigree.