Is anyone familair with the quality of a MTM suit from the Gambert store in Millburn, NJ?
I know they make excellent shirts but did not know they make suits. Are you sure?
Yes. This is in the Millburn, NJ store. I have purchased some shirts, which I am happy with. They have a MTM program for suits with Baberis (sp?) S-100 fabric, 8 -8 1/2 ounces, that they will do for approximately $1200.
Thanks, I will do so. Is he MTM or bespoke? Also, do you know, generally, the price range? I try to do MTM because it is cheaper, and the only problem I typically have with a suit is the pants. (With the exception of sleeve length, I can basically wear a 42r OTR jacket without alterations. I always have problems, however, with "baggyness" in the seat and thighs.) Thanks very much for your help.