In this classic example of elegant iGent prose Eagle2250, the Bard of Indiana, favors us with a mysteriously inverted report on when he plans on wearing some pants and shoes:
And another iGent wants to know what to do with canvas that he has extracted from his old suits:
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-04-07 14:31:30)
Last edited by Big Tony (2010-04-07 14:35:30)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-04-08 00:04:54)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-04-08 09:49:57)
The problem with those lists is that they rank shoes based on price, not quality. I'm doubtful that any of those people who compile them have experience with all the shoes they list. Without experience those lists are worthless.
Orgetorix, pro turd burglar, tries his unspeakably filthy hands at making the iGents' insane shoe-maintenance regime even stupider:
"Polo and yachting for me. And working out to maintain an extremely cut physique which does not allow me to wear BB traditional fit shirts."
This comes from a discussion on "trad" dress influencing the iGents into pursuing "trad" hobbies. Jesus Christ. Do the Italianate iGents try their hands at bocce, symbolist cinema, and cheating on their wives?
"How do I wear shoes?"
And Captain Fridge's latest photographic retrospective on his "bespoke" Korean dreckware. It surprises me that the Andyites lavish praise on him since the clothing is objectively ill-fitting and bland even by AAAAAAC standards (especially the vile "bespoke" shoes). He seems nice, though a bit obsessive and square (or should I say rectangular - hah!). I can't help but think that he could have gotten all this stuff RTW without sacrificing fit or quality or general ugliness.
Odd, Tony, that you would have confused me with Captain Fridge. We are both big men, but the similarities end about there:
He is about 20 or 25 years my junior.
I don't live in Alaska, I live in Southern California.
I don't wear jeans with a blazer or sport coat, I don't own any jeans.
My Asian bespoke comes from W.W. Chan of Kowloon, not some anonymous Korean tailors. My attire fits better than Capt. Fridge's.
Isn't he an airline pilot or something? I never learned how to fly airplanes of any sort.
I don't pay close enough atttention to really know who's who, to be honest.
Now I truly know the meaning of headfuck...!!!
The vocabulary of style and nuance...
Great minds ponder the meaning of buttoning...
I often wonder whether Alden is real or a creation of our Russell
Last edited by formby (2010-04-08 15:57:22)