Sebastien Horsley is dead?!
Last edited by formby (2010-06-17 10:48:57)
A mark of a rennaissance man is a range of talents applied to a range of subjects with a range of eduction and worldliness. Reports have been appearing for weeks of a potent and deadly heroin coming out of Afghanistan.
"Live fast,die young, leave a pretty corpse" It's been done.
So, how is such a personnae judged in the end ( or elsewhere?)The sex may help trickle down economic theorists but the quantity becomes mere Gene Smmons cock a doodle do bravado.The descendent of Bismark who led a dissolute life, Freddie Fender who left music and of course Beau Brummel and Oscar Wilde's influence still resonates, perhaps faint but persistant. To many writing prsonalities are mere character in their own cast. The flamboyance or shock value of a Gore Vidal or Horsley wears thin, becomes familiar and in that breeding contempt given and taken.
Last edited by ckav (2010-06-17 18:56:35)
The female is not a quadraplegic or a paraplegic. She is a multiple traumatic amputee. And if that is 'art' I have a 50lb sack of sirloin steak mislabeled steer manure for the asking.
g-Sometimes I go back and my own posts make little sense even to me. But I've had people, and the cruelist of editors ( myself) 'fix' other work in my degree and a few local literary anthologies so as to be perfectly readable and as exciting as bottled water.
I'd rather scribble away and maybe hit the mark once than remain silent or prescriptive and miss the broadside of a conversational barn.
Last edited by ckav (2010-06-19 01:35:28)
I think Horsley was making the point that amputee people can be sexy and can have sex as readily as anyone fulled abled. I think he wants people to be "shocked, shocked" by photos like that as a way of making them think about their own biases. After all, several people here immediately registered their disgust. Why? Disgust that someone would photograph themselves having sex? Nothing new there. Disgust that he's banging an amputee? I assume she's a consenting adult. Disgust that an amputee would be allowed to have sex? Hmmm...
You keep that G.I. Joe action figure close to heart Reggie.
I am disgusted not by the content, but the presumption I need a narcisstic hedonist to expand my humanity with the help of a disabled woman needing to affirm what was once private and now mere spectator sport.
I worked with a great guy who was mildly retarded. Our company hired the disabled, again to 'show' the consumer base how enlightened they were. He dated a girl, also mildly retarded but well advanced in being manipulative.
He came to me upset not 5 minutes after breaking up. He let loose about how STUPID she was. A customer, familiar with the cashier but not my friend got in his face over being prejudiced against the disabled. We started laughing our heads off while a manager did PR explaining who he was.
Wasn't he just an over-indulged rather silly tit?
<roll eyes> at all these sanctimonious comments
Tony, it's in the timing. L.A. just held the 40th annual, and oldest gay pride parade. And once again a float 20 years running featuring a crucified lesbian brought cheers and gasps of appreciation from a crowd who wouldn't let a float depicting Mohamet enter.
BP CEO Tony Hayward is trying to 'get his life back' watching his damned yacht compete vs other millionaires off of Wight after promising to help 'the little people.'
Death by heroin overdose by a effluent brit arteest famous for self crucifixion -cheers&gasps how edgy and new, dropping 100,000 ( supposedly) on hookers yet enlightening everybody about Boxing Bertha needing love too is about as exciting as constipation.
Last edited by ckav (2010-06-19 19:01:23)