When your "caning it" over a period of time one tends to think that bad consequences will not apply to yourself, let alone death. Its true the user might feel like shite till wednesday but by the time friday comes they feel fine and up for another weekend "on it". When they've caned it every weekend for a number of years bad consequences don't enter their mind. They even become dismissive of bad consequences. The user reads of someone overdosing on 2 e's and he/she will say that there must of been something wrong with them because I'm doing 60 every weekend. Often with drugs the addiction is to the life style and buzz rather than a physical need, smack and crack (and coke to a lesser degree) of course are in a league of their own. Clubbers these days are necking plant food and Ketamine every weekend. When your in that life style its hard to see the dangers. I've known a couple of people that have died because of drug use and a few that have "flipped out". Some have recovered, some haven't and two have topped themselfs. Most users don't have the money for a chance of rehab, but the money also means theres more to score. If Amy didn't have the dosh she'd probley had been like thousands of other young people in the UK, caning it for a number of years before getting bored of it. In hindsight its a bad scene to get into but when your in it...
She was one of the few contemporary musicians whose albums I liked. Not only that, I admitted to like her music to other people.
Rumour is that Elton John will play 'Candle under the spoon' at the funeral.
l always wanted to be her friend (just a friend, NOTHING ELSE). lf l had have been her friend l believe l could have been the one that got her off the booze and drugs and got her into clean living.
The toxicology results are inconclusive, she also had an eating disorder. It may not be booze and drugs that killed her.
Formby's position is probably closer to the truth than most, I never thought she had sufficient interest enough to purchase one her records. Me thinks, the producer was the really genius behind the music, somewhat like Quincy Jones with Michael Jackson.
Anorexia usually weakens the heart and other organs and systems.
Booze has problems with the liver - FYI heppie - heh - and so can other fatty things - there is a non booze related fatty liver syndrome.
Other drugs can fuck up other things.
Most people are less than perfect physically - despite the propaganda we are fed and many people are lucky to survive on a careful regime - a less careful regime like that which Ms Winehouse seems to have pursued may just exacerbate what nature would have progressed to 50 or 60 years ago not to mention 200 years ago.
thats my bet - a finding something like: weakened immune system, genetic/ natural weakness, iatrogenic interaction of various legal and non mainstream approved pharmaceutical agents, and combined with low nutrition status (starving), smoking, and low resistance and possible viral infection resulted in heart failure.
I'll take bets.