How true is this!
Delos is a complete legend. l've never seen better made shoos either.
Last edited by Noble Savage (2011-10-09 03:17:16)
Timely mention, nay chronicling, of costumery.
Last edited by Gilgamesh2003 (2011-10-31 20:33:53)
^Chenners mentions 'crested blazers' Now, just how does one say "Oh! my" with a Penn accent?
"Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that hat?
It's such a tatty one and not the proper style
I shouldn't like one just the same as that
Where e'er you go they shout: Hullo!
- You look a total twat."
That's an old photo of Chensvold that was doing the rounds several months ago, he's at the stage now where he can afford to rehash previous postings every 9-12 months. He has a style like an extra in The Sting, a 1970's vision of the 1930's, he's in Fedora Lounge territory all that's missing are a pair of spectators. He would have more kudos if he was actually smoking the pipe and inhaling.
Before Christmas, expect postings on sprezza, Miles Davis and some obscure French fin de siecle novel that he reads whilst in San Francisco's City Light bookstore as defence against all the bongos and Beat literature. Chet Baker may get a mention too.
^Chenners' pipe looks as though it has never seen action.