Great stuff Shooey, your passion comes across loud and clear! It's great when you get hold of some statement piece that you've hungered after for ages. I hope you get a buzz out of wearing them.
Very nice. Leather looks great. Stitching Perfect. Toe shape ideal. I'd be tempted NOT to go for a mirror shine on those.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2014-11-23 06:09:42)
^ That's a head-stomping shoo right there.
Works of art. Congratulations Shooey.
JL Paris = YES! JL London RTW = Goodyear welted & well overpriced.
They're nice shoes. I think you can't compare them to EG or C&J handgrade, their lasts are too different. I would never buy them without double soles though, IME their normals ones are too thin and wear out too quickly. For me they make the nicest shoes of all the English makers, some of their designs aren't as timeless as Eg but I always found it nice that they tried to bring a little variation into their styles.
Those Alden are right up my damn street.
I get great satisfaction out of seeing fellow members finally acquire and enjoy those long sought-after items.
Also, if you go to one of their flagship stores, they have a catalogue of all the styles they've produced over the years and you can order them MTO if they don't have it in their current collection. I don't know the prices but I presume it comes with a hefty premium.
Here's a blog by a former (?) Lobb employee, it hasn't been updated for over two years, but it features some nice shoes:
Last edited by The_Shooman (2014-11-27 18:34:19)
I do quite like the look of Nettleton's Fayetteville in the whiskey, which I see potential as a summer shoe.
Last edited by meister (2014-12-05 05:25:33)
I will say the John Lobb last for the `city' model makes the perfect looking oxford captoe in black, and l am completely delighted with it. It is a funny old last and originally didn't feel right at the back of the heel, and it did cause some painful rubbing. But after a few light wears the shoe is beginning to break in really nicely. I have great hopes for my John Lobb `city'.
English shoos can be boring, but sometimes that is just what is needed. English rtw will never have the interesting look of some of the ltalians and Vass, but all shoos are great to own.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2014-12-15 21:51:40)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2016-03-14 02:16:43)
I have Lobb Chapels bought direct from the factory shop for £240. I think they are now the best part of a grand.
A very nice whole cut shoe in museum calf.
I get notification of when a sale is on. Subsequent visits did not offer much - small sizes and mostly loafers. Maybe suit oriental customers.
It seems like a site called 'Bespoke England' has taken over John Lobb's factory store. He sells a lot of discontinued models and seconds at quite astonishing prices. Unfortunately online resellers have basically destroyed the whole business, Lobb even mentioned that their price increase was due to them.
Do you know anything about the current state of the other factory shops? C&J and Edward Green?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2016-03-17 00:06:27)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2016-03-21 02:32:07)