Isn't it much nicer when shops close at 6pm? Or, as in Benson& Clegg's case, at 5?
No, I work for a living.
And since I am a Doc, it makes a difference wether or not I'm there in front of the patient.
So I like late hours and appreciate the vendors who try to accommodate late hours.
I don't mind shops open late, not that I shop after work. Though I might pick up something like purchased trousers that have been hemmed late in the week. I tend to go clothes shopping Saturdays or Friday afternoons, I find that far more civilised for some reason. I don't like shops being open on Sundays.
I'm like you, Goodyear welt. I don't shop Sundays either. I do like the late night shopping during the week when it's available though.
Shopping on Sundays is a no-go.
I think it wouldn't hurt if shop opening hours would be cut back. Seriously, would you buy something substantial at 9pm?
I believe people should be with their families after 7pm, and that also goes for the people working in shops.
Thats why I never shopped on a Sunday Bees when I was living in the UK. Young families should have time together on Sundays. Sunday trading isn't allowed here in Norway apart from December, which I hope won't change. It wouldn't hurt to stop Sunday trading but I suspect theres some EU directive that would make that unlawful.
Sunday shopping has been one of the biggest boons of my lifetime. Only an idiot would try and eliminate them.
Well I am back, after having been banned for other people hijacking my post.
To be Franck, I don't care about bricks-and-mortar shops anymore. Even T&A does online shopping.
If you were banned, how come you're back?
1. That's not why you were banned, Beeston
2. Sometimes the mods feel like it's in the best interests of the forum to temporarily ban someone as a kind of cooling off period
Either way, it's in the past and we're happy to have you back posting!
I would like to apologise for having a mod deleting MY Raddatz post which other have abused.