pink ocbd is classic with any pair of Ivy walk shorts and usual suspect shoes/sneakers if going for the hardcore P but the pink ocbd is also excellent with old jeans, new ones too .....
I view the pink ocbd like the yellow, blue, and white ones, pretty neutral shirts that go fungibly with every piece of Ivy/Prep you own .....
some combos will be more felicitous than others but each color goes with every possible outfit and seemingly odd clashes sometimes work out so well that they become your style
Great shirt but personally I'd get rid of the monogram (I think I read on here years ago that it takes a while but definitely can be done) or if that's impossible I'd get rid of the pocket.
But you're not me so you have my permission to do whatever floats your boat.
I think it's kind of fun. I like it more than getting your shirt monogrammed yourself...
Haha, well, variety makes the world a beautiful place. Different strokes for different folks.
I quite like other people's names handwritten or labels stuck on the inside of my shirts, but that's as far as it goes. I always wonder if the person is still alive (and conclude probably not) and how unlikely it is that I will ever meet them.
I vaguely recall that Woof (or maybe it was someone else) has the opposite opinion.
Someone on here a few years back said they didn't like previous owners' names written in their vintage shirts. Maybe it was Jim? I always confuse you and him. Or that madras guy - you and him are pretty similar too.
/\ nice find Beebs, I have a pair of walk shorts like those, from Press, solid summer gth stuff
(☉.☉) They're perfect, Berkeley! Nothing like a handsome pair of madras pants, and those, my friend, are a real humdinger of a pair. Sanibel Island ain't too shabby either.
/\ good work YI, congrats!