Since I am not willing to pay 350 Euros for a 50% Polyester jacket, I would be thankful for recommendations (G9 and G4 styles.). Thank you all in advance!
One of the last times we talked about the jackets was here:
Grenfell at the top end, Orvis (still 50% polyester but are well done and less than half the price), then into cheaper but still decent ones. I got my son a 100% London made one from Sherrys that later prompted my pther younger son to get one in black. They are pure cotton, no polyester.
I'm going through this consideration myself right now wondering if I should buy the Grenfell but it's a lot for a casual jacket.
John Simon's generally have some own brand options in stock. Not sure if / when they do new ones but missed out on some in decent cotton last year.
When I checked st the weekend, John Simons seemed to be out of stock in large size sadly for me. They may have some if people are able to pop in.
Last edited by An Unseen Scene (2019-02-25 04:12:28)
Goldeb Bear/Unionmade
I bought an Amazon navy windbreaker to replace the Drizzler that somehow shrunk on me when I wasn't looking.
It's completely adequate.
how about Brooks Brothers?,en_GB,pd.html?dwvar_ML00511_Color=MDGY&contentpos=8&cgid=0222
tried this on last night in red. its one for all you polycotton lovers.
great jacket for the money and no doubt will be reduced.;136477;6475&utm_source=Google&utm_term=&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq5y53ZXe4AIV1YbVCh0aqQSfEAQYASABEgJVW_D_BwE
The problem is the high price of the Baracuta. The quality is top notch, no problem with the poly. It's funny how Ivyists rave about old Burberrys' (usually about 70/30 cotton/poly), 60/40 mountain parkas, 100% poly recycled fleece sweaters or 80/20 Gloverall duffles... but get a crisis when Baracutas are mixed.
Online reductions are fair IMO.
I have given in resisting and ordered a Grenfell. Will report back.
I have a modern Baracuta (since Italian takeover) and it's the feel of the fabric not an arbitrary % of poly content I'm not overly keen on. Good point from Lee R still though.
J Press (by Golden Bear)