Whilst searching for some Royals for our own Shamrockmonkey, I found this listing on Ebay.
For those who may have ever wondered where the money went that you spent on your loakes royals in the 70s, here's your answer. Folk albums!
Seriously these guys are the 4th generation of the family. Andrew is now near the helm of the firm, so I guess the folk business wasn't so great after all!
edit: first a laugh when opening the link.. then.. a re-read and, well, some more laughter.
Last edited by heikki k (2010-01-21 01:02:08)
where have all the royals gone
long time passing...
gunboats keep fallin on my head....that dont mean the blah blah blah blah soon be dead! runnin a shoe business aint for me! cuz! I can stop all the royals from fallin!....
i need to make a mental note not to go on here after popping ambien.
faith the magic loafer had a leather sole
and all the hoolie Girls Ball games louts would stomp them for a goal!
little andy loakey loved his ganja dear
and if he got enough of it he'd smoke it thru his ear , cuzzz.....
loake the magic....
sorry. thats enough. no more ambien. no more coffee. 1 cig and bed.
oops deleted my 1st post. Jah Trustafar I !!!! long live haile selassie, or at least my monthly allowance.
I guess they are just exotic there like florsheims are here. Skinhead / Ska / Mod folklore says that we all wore Loakes in lates 60s/70s, and usually never mentions that it was only because they were accesible copies of the real thing - ie AMERICAN long wings, of which (just to confuse the issue) many were made for export by English makers for sale in the US as 'English Long Wing Brogues' - or even Oxfords (which of course they are not) to a US publicj eager for old world style that didn't exist here (until Loake picked up on the market for imported ones from the US)
Wheels within wheels...
the only captoes i have were some bostonians that i stole from my idiot ex stepfather before i was legally banned from the premises. they serve well for wakes and weddings, though he may have morris-danced in them at one time, it wouldnt shock me in any case.
oh, you said taps. i do a decent sammy davis jr impression i suppose...
The MacNeill is the AE model to look for - heavy duty longwings, but I get your quest for loakes. I wore them to school in mid 70s as a 12 year old's only shoes and they were indestructible
incidentally, is there any way to re-color shoes? will it look crappy to just polish over them? the pair i got yesterday is identical to the ones NSB put a link to on another thread....its almost a black/purple rather than maroon/oxblood, and id like them to be a bit lighter...
and actually, the 99% of the people who consider themselves "mods" or "skinheads" seem to think that you all wore 12 hole docs with double-thickness bozo-the-clown soles from 1964 to roughly 1998.
It seems - and I have no idea whatever - that my 'Made Especially For J.Simons' are Loakes Royals size 12.
^ I have passed these on. Still curious, though. Don't see old Loakes in charity shops much nowadays. I've had about five pairs. All right, too.