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#326 2010-05-31 13:57:37

From: Seattle, WA
Posts: 673

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

Maybe patch pockets are cheaper to make?

I like them on Summer linen leisure suits - of which I see one every 32nd of the month.  Still, they look good with linen, IMHO.


#327 2010-05-31 14:14:12

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#328 2010-05-31 14:44:56

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9344

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#329 2010-05-31 15:01:50

Cruz Diez
Posts: 1950

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#330 2010-05-31 15:12:45

Grossgrain Silk
From: The Inner Bar
Posts: 877

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

It's interesting. I was brought up with the standard (as far as I can tell) UK belief that patch pockets were cheap and were confined to odd jackets which were made of cheap cloth, or were for work, or were unlined. I can see that they add an element of unusualness to other odd jackets and can provide a feature, if you are one of those who wants/needs your clothing to have features.

For a suit they are plainly wrong, in the sense that they impede the lines and the seamlessness which is why you have your jacket and trousers made of the same material and in a homogenous style to start with. Why would you break that up?

They also tend to bag if you put stuff in them (they are designed to do so after all), which is not a formal look.

The internet discussions do not focus on any of this. But that is because these fads are not aspired to because they provide good tailoring or a particular look. Rather they become fetishised for their own sake and consequently every fetishist wants one so that they can feel good. It is a way in which one can stand out from the crowd without being concerned that the crowd think you look foolish, because you comfort yourself that the crowd is ignorant and your online mates are wise. Tailors are the last people listened to in such circumstances: firstly they are in the position of parents saying no to children; secondly, they are part of the great conspiracy of mediocrity which the internet clothes fetishist believes in with all his (always a he) heart; thirdly, it is axiomatic that no one knows better than you and your friends. To admit the falsity of this last proposition is to abandon that happy land where the stares and comments of the hoi polloi lack hurtful capability. If a tailor says you are dressing like a dork then perhaps you are and the sneers of others are justified.

For someone like Jovan - a man who aspires to a state where both manhood and playing with ducks in the bath are equally permissible and consistent with each other - dreamland must not be invaded at any cost. Happiness literally depends on it.


#331 2010-05-31 15:32:22

Hard Bop Hank
Ivy Soul Brother
From: land of a 1000 dances
Posts: 4923

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

Patch pockets - I love them as an archetypical Ivy League fetish. The casualness is what it's all about. Blazers ideally with that upper patch pocket, too! I agree that it's usually too much or maybe even wrong with most suits, but I like them on some cotton poplin and on a hopsack suit. Very hip!

“No Room For Squares”
”All political art is bad – all good art is political.”
"Would there be any freedom of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid innocuous euphemisms?"


#332 2010-05-31 18:22:34

Posts: 40

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

I have jackets with patch pockets because that's what they came with at the store.  Other jackets did not.

I would put more thought into it, but then I'd need to be commissioning ill-fitting, oversold "bespoke" instead of buying RTW that fits me.


#333 2010-05-31 23:31:16

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

No to patch pockets in suits, it looks cheap, stupid and maybe even frumpy.
O.k to patch pockets on odd jackets.


#334 2010-05-31 23:32:55

Posts: 315

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

Patch pockets look like-well, patches.


#335 2010-06-01 02:00:33

Big Down Under.
From: Melbourne
Posts: 6159

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

Last edited by fxh (2010-06-01 02:05:26)


#336 2010-06-01 02:45:16

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#337 2010-06-01 03:19:38

Grossgrain Silk
From: The Inner Bar
Posts: 877

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#338 2010-06-01 10:30:53

Posts: 265

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

I shall commission a suit:

So let it Bespoken
So let it be done!


#339 2010-06-01 14:18:57

Posts: 54

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#340 2010-06-02 17:02:45

Tailoring Police
Posts: 287

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#341 2010-06-02 19:07:45

D. Adams
Posts: 113

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

A gentleman always dresses with the buildings he will be standing in front of in mind.


#342 2010-06-02 21:13:03

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9344

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#343 2010-06-02 21:48:20

Posts: 1276

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

Last edited by g- (2010-06-02 21:48:49)


#344 2010-06-02 22:49:46

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

l saw a bloke yesterday in what appreared to be a suit. As he came towards me and stood near me, l discovered he was wearing a navy pinstriped suit jacket, black pants, and boat shoos.     yikes


#345 2010-06-02 23:03:14

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

Brendon does all time lows, he wears a dinner coat with jeans.

The thing l don't get is why he is always in a room with the curtains shut and the lights turned off. Bizarre.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-06-02 23:04:42)


#346 2010-06-03 00:24:07

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#347 2010-06-03 04:15:42

Big Down Under.
From: Melbourne
Posts: 6159

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#348 2010-06-03 08:04:07

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9344

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#349 2010-06-03 10:06:14

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9344

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


#350 2010-06-03 10:11:32

From: Paris, France
Posts: 45

Re: When bespoke wishes and fabric dreams go wrong


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