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#5976 2010-05-31 10:00:50

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#5977 2010-05-31 10:37:04

New member
Posts: 9

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#5978 2010-05-31 10:48:26

Big Tony
Posts: 5478

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"What sort of post-apocalyptic deathscape is this?"
"I don't want to look like a cock hungry sailor after all !!!"
"When it comes to infidelity, broken families, and reckless fatherhood, the underclass are amateurs."


#5979 2010-05-31 15:42:00

Popeye Doyle
Posts: 1099

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"All in all they are a pretty sleazy bunch."
"Can one safely bone the cordovan of the dead?"


#5980 2010-05-31 15:46:27

Popeye Doyle
Posts: 1099

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"All in all they are a pretty sleazy bunch."
"Can one safely bone the cordovan of the dead?"


#5981 2010-05-31 15:59:33

Popeye Doyle
Posts: 1099

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"All in all they are a pretty sleazy bunch."
"Can one safely bone the cordovan of the dead?"


#5982 2010-05-31 16:53:27

Grossgrain Silk
From: The Inner Bar
Posts: 877

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#5983 2010-05-31 17:49:54

Big Tony
Posts: 5478

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"What sort of post-apocalyptic deathscape is this?"
"I don't want to look like a cock hungry sailor after all !!!"
"When it comes to infidelity, broken families, and reckless fatherhood, the underclass are amateurs."


#5984 2010-05-31 18:15:30

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

The "professional" response to Columbine and Virginia Tech was indeed distressingly incompetent, but the idea of heavily armed frat boys and scholar-athletes filles me with a quiet dread. Actually, the idea of heavily armed engineers and affiliated nerds also fills me with dread. Concealed carry on campus would certainly make life lively for women, who would have to do some very complex and swift cost-benefit analyses every time someone asked them out.

Of course I'm making the utterly prejudiced and unfounded assumption that the only people on college campuses who would want to carry concealed weapons would be violent males, for which I apologize.


#5985 2010-05-31 18:54:08

Popeye Doyle
Posts: 1099

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

"All in all they are a pretty sleazy bunch."
"Can one safely bone the cordovan of the dead?"


#5986 2010-05-31 19:02:39

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Looks like he's using Pink and Green's "store everything on the floor" technique.


#5987 2010-05-31 19:22:36

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

There is an easy criteria for identifying responsible armed citizens. Warner Brothers came close in Elmer Fudd with his catchphrase "Be werry werry quiet." I try to emulate Max Von Sydow's calm, but lethal demeaner in Seven Days of the Condor.


#5988 2010-05-31 21:20:32

New member
Posts: 9

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by thunderw21 (2010-05-31 21:23:16)


#5989 2010-05-31 21:58:56

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Which F.B.I. sub culture certified you; the mormons, closet gays,cointelpro conservatives or the standard issue G.Gordon Liddy psychos?
Just for point of reference, have you ever shot another human being? Forget your Weaver stance, bright yaller shooting glasses,  ballistic theorys dancing on the head of a pin cultural ephemera.
Ever popped caps on somebody equally intent on killing you, so close their brains and blood ruined your clothing?
I have, and the inanity online scares me.

Last edited by ckav (2010-05-31 22:50:31)


#5990 2010-05-31 22:31:37

New member
Posts: 9

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Fortunately no, but I've had some close calls.  I live a pretty mundane life, but trouble has found me on several occasions.  I've stood toe to toe with drunk hooligans ready to bash my brain in with a piece of lumber.  Had a few other folks try to do me harm, but I won't go into the details.

The thought of possibly taking another life scares me.  No doubt everything goes out the window.  Supposedly only training remains when a situation arises, but even that can fail.  I can say from experience that time slows down, the adrenaline starts pumping and all fine motor skills disappear. 
I don't wear my 'ability' to legally carry a firearm on my sleeve (it's concealed carry for a reason) nor think myself better than anyone because of it, I'm merely trying to clear up a libel against me ("frightening", "would be detained", "potential mass murderer").  I just enjoy firearms and shooting (along with the ability to defend myself) just like you guys on here enjoy your own hobbies. 

Anyways, I signed up here months ago and hadn't posted anything yet, thought now was as good a time as any to start .

Last edited by thunderw21 (2010-05-31 22:33:30)


#5991 2010-05-31 22:46:47

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I think libel a bit strong. You've been flamed, but what harm to your income,reputation or person has occured beyond the SOP online singing of feathers?
Oh there ARE a few trolls who would inflict offline injury; One from Ask Cruiser  and vileforum realising such folly crossing my shadow once.
This forum is a great leveler of ego and OZYMANDIAS it's warning. There are countless forum for firearms where guys can post THEIR 1911 in case nobody has ever seen a 1911.
Clothing forums are poor choices to do it. The studied mediocrity already expressed on the raison d'etre of conversation can only bring greater discredit on associated ones.

Last edited by ckav (2010-05-31 22:59:05)


#5992 2010-05-31 22:57:53

New member
Posts: 9

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Perhaps libel is a bit strong and it was a ruffling (something this site is very good at, to my enjoyment at times).  I've taken more than a few rufflings on here without saying anything and thought I'd push back for once.  No harm done in showing that I'm not a mass murder who needs to be detained.    smile

I do post on one very large firearm forum, but cross-posting is always entertaining (both for the trolling and seeing who else shares your own interests).  I see you guys cross-post too with your NSFW thread as well as one on the Dow; why not show some firearms while we're at it?  It's understandable what you say about mediocrity, but I too like to ruffle feathers of the iGents with my 'big scary guns'.

Last edited by thunderw21 (2010-05-31 23:04:09)


#5993 2010-05-31 23:05:53

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#5994 2010-05-31 23:12:33

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

It doesn't work, and this is why. The clothing forums are heavily influenced ( along with many others) by  british clothing and contributing british members. We americans easily forget the global internet is in fact just that.
And it is fact, plain and simple that at present british society has largely removed weaponry from the populace. And this is where the american gun owner behaves like a Astra 400 mainspring. We share a common history and more or less language.
Americans freak out, acting as if it is some sexually transmitted disease or something inheritable. We wax eloquent ( or as eloquent as letters to the gun editor can be) about the myth of Swiss ownership and go into paroxisms over crossbows being banned, supposedly onerous knife carry laws and rising crime in the UK.
But the simple fact is it's THEIR business, better or worse and not OURS. It would be like me going onto a japanese bondage forum and raising hell about whale hunting.
There is a time and a place for it.
We do, in fact enjoy the comments of a well known firearms writer and editor. I think Jan ( Captain Preppy) may share some of my sentiments.

Last edited by ckav (2010-05-31 23:14:39)


#5995 2010-05-31 23:14:41

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#5996 2010-05-31 23:27:15

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

If you intend to buy fireman red american suspendors connected via batchelor buttons for Levis buying is a cruise(R)
But is there no concensus beyond Park Allen seconds in Andyland after all these years?
Thurstons in the UK or the folks in the US who recreate the artisan patterns.
Anything else is a stretch.


#5997 2010-05-31 23:35:29

New member
Posts: 9

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

But this is where I disagree with you.
You assume (perhaps correctly) that clothing forums are largely influenced by the British, but that doesn't mean all and not even most British folk agree with a certain viewpoint (Britain has a long and proud history when it comes to firearms), just as all Japanese do not agree with whaling.  And that's their business.  But it's also my business if I want to post a picture of the gun I'm wearing today in the WAYWT thread.  They can whine and cry all they want, but it doesn't matter (it's actually a bit entertaining). 
There's no harm done in showing a picture of a nice gun, is there?  Just as showing a picture of a sleek car or beautiful woman does no harm?  There's no difference.

They're all things of beauty.

It's been an enjoyable conversation, but I can hardly keep my eyes open.    smile

Last edited by thunderw21 (2010-05-31 23:38:22)


#5998 2010-05-31 23:46:58

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Harm? no, but does it help? One of the fundamental principles of self defense is the SUPRISE in a CCP or well placed kick to the groin.
I was transferring from one duty station to another in the military. My firearms had been securely shipped ahead. Two rather unsavory shipmates I had repeatedly tangled with announced they were going to beat me up off base, especially since 'You've shipped your guns ahead.' Ah! but I had this half bottle of Hoppes #9 solvent and liberally spilled it near my rack ( bed.)
They remained onstation, even with liberty until I was on my bus.
firearms are best utilised unseen.


#5999 2010-06-01 01:04:34

Posts: 78

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6000 2010-06-01 03:24:19

Grossgrain Silk
From: The Inner Bar
Posts: 877

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

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