He cares very, very much. He is loyal, steadfast and true. He's an opinionated so-and-so and I hasten to read his every posting.
For those who don't know, he is also Gibson Gardens and a couple of others on here.
I miss being macchiato-man. My halcyon days were on modculture. Me and Hubert Swaine, we tore 'em up we did. He's in Rome at the moment old Hubert with his nurse, getting a bed bath as we speak. He's just sent me a photograph of his caffe' ristretto.
macchiato-man - some great posts there. i remeber having got a verbal hiding, albeit in a most intelligent manner + i think i quite deserved it, back in tho old days of mc.
verbal hiding is great when done intelligently + w/ a knowledge ( / 'suss' - in need of a better phrase) that shows through.
snide remarks - on the other hand - whoich seem to be the order of the day on mc - are just - er- fucking snide.
MM & HS really laid the groundwork for all that followed. The RS bunch just inflicted it on the Yanks without mercy.
Win/win: We got a laugh & they got Trad & Chensvold!
I suspect that our laughing will last longest tho'...
His main trouble is, I think, he sometimes wants to have his toffee and eat it.
Tell me about it - £2000 last year on root canal work....
Yeah man. 4 pairs of Alden wing-tips. A week's hedonism in Roma. Bring on dentures.
Ah, Roma... I know a little place near the Forum...
Best put that to Daniele, old boy...
Get yer Berlitz out for the lads!!
Trans : "Really? What's it called?"
LOL! Dunno. It's a tiny, tiny locals coffee bar with the Colisseum just in view down the road. There's an excellent ice-cream parlour on the next corner, where they give you lashings of cream...
I'd just like to wish he and his co-author well in the run-up to Christmas. It'll make an ideal gift. I only wish I knew someone in my circle to whom it would be worth giving. But buy it anyway. Two copies are always going to be better than one.