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#801 2011-06-18 07:03:59

Posts: 2358

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#802 2011-06-18 09:15:10

K. A. Adams
Posts: 257

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Hmmm - So it's the loving, compassionate, estrogen soaked vegetal believists that are going to take over the world and lead us to new paths of understanding ?

Somehow, I think it will more likely be Hepcat's Dictator Pirate Clans - you know, the ones who decided not to beat their swords into plowshares. You see, worldviews are not enforced at the barrel of a cucumber or a carrot.

In fact, I'll wager that vegans will be a much sought after delicacy because they taste better than us whiskey drinking, meat eating pirates with guns.


Last edited by K. A. Adams (2011-06-18 09:20:37)


#803 2011-06-18 09:29:14

Posts: 2358

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#804 2011-06-18 09:44:53

K. A. Adams
Posts: 257

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

A tartar in the Vietnamese style would be quite nice.

I'll take a cool and crisp lager too


#805 2011-06-18 10:07:14

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#806 2011-06-18 10:12:51

K. A. Adams
Posts: 257

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

You've got 7600 posts on shoes and vegetables and I'm the nerd ?


#807 2011-06-18 17:03:08

Posts: 1276

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#808 2011-06-18 20:33:18

Posts: 99

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#809 2011-06-18 21:22:51

K. A. Adams
Posts: 257

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Hi Luftvier, Just a reminder:  Since 2009 solicitation for prostitution is a criminal offense in Rhode Island:


#810 2011-06-19 00:18:03

Big Down Under.
From: Melbourne
Posts: 6159

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#811 2011-06-19 01:02:54

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-06-19 01:04:31)


#812 2011-06-19 01:06:59

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-06-19 01:11:41)


#813 2011-06-19 01:32:45

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

I'm with g-: starting the day with espresso and finishing it with whisky and a good cigar (also listening to jazz played on vibes) will ensure happy and healthy longevity reinforced by a strong and rational mind. Either that, or your blood pressure will be finely pitched to the cut and thrust of the rat race and one will notice ladies looking on in longing admiration as one takes his place on the morning commute with an iPod filled to the brim of the finest albums from Pacific Jazz, Contemporary, Blue Note, Prestige and Verve.   

That was a fine present by Formby for his late and no doubt gentleman grandfather. The Gordon & MacPhail edition whiskies are generally the best of the independent bottlings, extremely reliable to be of the highest quality. They also seem to add a signature maltiness to the whisky, which means you're not just getting a distillery edition in an Gordon & MacPhail label. If in doubt, you can always rely on this branding.

The toxicity of the algae is well known and that's why most women who end up in the grazing pasture of raw food, become barren and stop ovulating. The medical evidence is clear and supported by facts. Not wispy, ectoplasm like notions of wonderful nutritional properties that do not actually exist, or at least can be verified by any known testing. Its all about faith, lack of transparity and getting a following of gullible weaklings who if you're not after their money, you can have crazy mind fucks with whilst maintaining and enlarging your twisted ego needs and narcissitic Jesus Christ syndrome disorder. Enjoy.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#814 2011-06-19 01:36:39

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#815 2011-06-19 01:40:23

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?


#816 2011-06-19 02:46:42

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

The raw food gurus are lying to you Shooey.

This mistaken belief that a diet of pre-cultural raw food will somehow give us readmission to the garden of Eden is a total scam.

As Levi Strauss asserts in the seminal "The Raw and The Cooked" civilization commenced when we started to cook food and the health benefits to the individual and group in terms of digestion and the killing of bacteria is why you are in Australia today and not being chased by sabre tooth tigers through the wilderness.

Hippocrates is raw food retreat and any research data coming out from there has to be regarding as suspect and a mere marketing and selling technique.

It's a cult, and my definition of a cult is a group of people who form themselves into a small group who offer spiritual salvation and damnation to the rest of society. Only the cult members can be saved and as they move through the hierarchy of the cult they take on god/daemon/saviour characteristics and status. In this instance, the consuming of raw uncooked algae gives one a moral status of superiority above the stinking filth of omnivores. The digestion of raw food over several years or decades infers one with a demi-god powers and great spiritual prowess.

The raw cult world view is simple: we are saved and the rest are condemned to ill health and early death.

Only by following raw food gurus can the rest of us be saved from the evils and unhealthiness of a cooked diet. Only those willing to submit to the raw food doctrine and follow the demi-god gurus are permitted into this world where the ultimate aim of each individual is to become a God.

They use the word power a lot in their literature and blogs, for after all, it is raw power they want; power over you and me.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#817 2011-06-19 03:48:58

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#818 2011-06-19 04:32:22

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-06-19 05:18:40)


#819 2011-06-19 09:13:28

K. A. Adams
Posts: 257

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

shamrockmonkey - Considering Chicago's affinity with the Poles, you should be able to find Zywiec. It's cheap and not riddled with formaldehyde.

Shooman -

From your magical thinking and irrational believism to your super powers and demi-god status, its become absolutely clear that you are in the midst of a manic episode.

Unfortunately, at some point you will crash, and then, I imagine that we'll have to suffer through your depression with you as you post pictures of your collections of thrift store shoes and dozens of square toed Kenneth Cole slip ons.

I humbly beg that you submit yourself to the local authorities for psychological evaluation.


#820 2011-06-19 09:26:50

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-06-19 10:27:38)


#821 2011-06-19 09:29:28

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Being depressed is a waste of time.

When you live how l do there will never be a crash. People who crash live toxic lifestyles. Live with nature and you will be looked after. We can be forever happy.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2011-06-19 10:05:13)


#822 2011-06-19 10:55:09

Posts: 100

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

If I had a gun and said 'Shooey, you have to get drunk with me right now!' What would you drink?


#823 2011-06-19 13:19:36

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#824 2011-06-19 13:28:44

K. A. Adams
Posts: 257

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Interesting, a 24 oz ish bottle is $ 1.50 here.


#825 2011-06-19 17:52:32

Posts: 1276

Re: What are you drinking at the moment ?

Gloria Ferrer Pinot Noir. I am not much of a fan of the grape from Cali but this is an old standby for me.  I like the stuff from Carneros.

Last edited by g- (2011-06-19 17:55:18)


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