/\ Nylon sneakers, top class stuff eh!
Them dogs must have been barking.
After a hot days sailing.mmmm
Last edited by Oo Bop Sh'bam (2012-01-31 02:58:35)
Nothing more pleasing to my eye that a herringbone tweed. Outstanding still life too. The lack of any really focal point allows the eye to wander and just enjoy all the colours and textures and patterns.
Last edited by Liam Mac (2012-02-04 10:14:46)
All Florsheim Royal Imperial Longwings!!!
Nice of your valet to lay 'em out for a photo Liam.
I couldn't decide which ones I wanted to look at while I was eating dinner so I just brought them all out. I love them all so much. Sometimes I can't decide which ones to wear in the morning so I put a pair on my feet and another on my hands and I just walk about all day on all fours.
Please note, I'm only joking in the above paragraph. These aren't even mine. I just noticed the photos whilst reading back thrugh the 'gunboats' thread on The Wardrobe and thought they deserved to be seen by those who don't drift over there.
That last one makes me feel all woozy.
Yes! The last one for me too. The tie with it. No need for anything more.
What decade are we talking about here Zach? Late 50's?
Really!? Are you joking? Which ones?
I think the picture came from AAAAAAAC originally but I'll have a quick looks back and link you the post.
I was joking, but I've got Holmes on the case. I expect my shoes to be returned any day now....