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#11726 2013-03-28 07:02:11

oxford cloth button down
Posts: 1302

Re: Ivy League style for today


#11727 2013-03-28 07:50:07

Liam Mac
Ivy Avenger
From: Beyond!
Posts: 4789

Re: Ivy League style for today

Good to see you posting again OCBD.

BTW, hadn't looked at your blog in a while but did today. Much to enjoy. Billax's sneaker article was particularly good and some nuce shots and Ads I hadn't seen before.


#11728 2013-03-28 07:54:51

Liam Mac
Ivy Avenger
From: Beyond!
Posts: 4789

Re: Ivy League style for today


#11729 2013-03-28 07:56:03

Fitzgeralds Closet
Posts: 85

Re: Ivy League style for today


#11730 2013-03-28 08:19:10

Talker of the talk, walker of the walk.
From: age
Posts: 1223

Re: Ivy League style for today

Just to get a repp..


#11731 2013-03-28 09:17:29

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#11732 2013-03-28 09:50:06

Liam Mac
Ivy Avenger
From: Beyond!
Posts: 4789

Re: Ivy League style for today

I don't have one just now though i fancy one.  I'd really like to try before I buy being small
Slim and usually between a 36s and 37s so never have got beyond ogling other people's jackets here.


#11733 2013-03-28 10:09:35

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

You are going to have to organise a trip down south and a pay a visit to JS.
I dont know if you have already been, but its  an experince
and much like visiting  a Temple/Art gallery/museun/asram for the those like us..
A Vaticun for the Ivyist,A mecca for the lover of Americana.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#11734 2013-03-28 10:45:56

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: Ivy League style for today

Good luck F C. You at LBB over easter? If so say hi.

Hoping to get to Mr. Simons gaff this year on Saturday. Last year I made it as far as Euston tube station before throwing up and turning back. Seeing as the hotel was 1 minute away, not very far really.

Just doing a bit of ironing and packing.

YSL wine & navy striped dressing grown (very Hugh Hefner)
White cotton briefs by Hilfiger
grey slippers
Using an Siemens Slider Spaceline Iron. Its the bollox.

Right, back to it...

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#11735 2013-03-28 11:21:04

Fitzgeralds Closet
Posts: 85

Re: Ivy League style for today


#11736 2013-03-28 12:08:16

oxford cloth button down
Posts: 1302

Re: Ivy League style for today

Thanks Liam and Axelist. I agree that Billax's pieces are a treat.  Axelist, I will be doing a Frankenstein belt myself soon.


#11737 2013-03-28 17:24:17

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

Last edited by Worried Man (2013-03-28 20:24:27)

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#11738 2013-03-28 18:03:17

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Ivy League style for today

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


#11739 2013-03-29 02:52:38

Posts: 8568

Re: Ivy League style for today

some sort of banal legitimacy


#11740 2013-03-29 04:19:23

Drum Thunder !!!
Son of Odin
From: the Time that Land Forgot.
Posts: 3768

Re: Ivy League style for today

Bottom button done up Yuca? *shakes head*

Arrives unpressed and minimally packaged.


#11741 2013-03-29 04:24:07

Drum Thunder !!!
Son of Odin
From: the Time that Land Forgot.
Posts: 3768

Re: Ivy League style for today

I think it is interesting what Billax says about the Champions, nearly 100 years old, I mean that is timeless design isn't it? Well if you like them.

More and more I see the root of Ivy, (in my mind, and in its documented proof), was cobbled together on the tennis courts, and rowing clubs of England and America, Ivy is turn of the century sportswear, which makes me laugh, that now 100 years on it is seen as incredibly smart clothing by the masses. But to us it is seen as smart/causal clothing, it is still in the DNA of the clothing to really be clothing for the young and active, and not too stuffy or overly smart.

Arrives unpressed and minimally packaged.


#11742 2013-03-29 04:44:05

Posts: 4227

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#11743 2013-03-29 07:53:48

From: From north but now in't saarf
Posts: 386

Re: Ivy League style for today

Tassel weejuns
Black ribbed socks
Lee riders 1" cuff
Made to measure ocbd
Custom made dartmouth collage class year sweater

Take that and take ivy
Off for a few 🍻🍻🍻

Last edited by PT (2013-03-29 08:59:04)

"Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy."


#11744 2013-03-29 08:33:59

Liam Mac
Ivy Avenger
From: Beyond!
Posts: 4789

Re: Ivy League style for today

When you say dartford collage PT, do you mean Dartmouth College?

WM- the lack of fit pics wasn't really a conscious decision.  I just took a couple snaps of the clothes I was going to wear where and how I usually lay them out the night before.

I'll see if I can summon the balls soon. I would warn you though I'm not as pretty as you.

Btw, today it's mainly in waterproof clothing and work boots so I will save your mug shot for another day.

Last edited by Liam Mac (2013-03-29 08:35:49)


#11745 2013-03-29 08:37:10

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Ivy League style for today

I just have to vent -- two deadstock and rare madras Purists in butter yellow university stripe fell victim to the laundry this morning when they accidentally found their way into the dryer's perm press cycle. I'm heartsick fellas, and will be grieving all weekend. R.I.P. to 2 of the best shirts I've known.

Last edited by Oliver (2013-03-29 08:37:39)


#11746 2013-03-29 12:06:49

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today


Always a shame when nearly irreplaceable items are ruined.  It's happened to me a few times.  One of the moments when I consider selling off my whole wardrobe and adopting a cheap and simple wardrobe consisting only of white T-shirts, dark Levi's, and PF Flyers sneakers.  Things that are obviously classic and readily available.  It would take a lot of the guesswork out of picking what to wear.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#11747 2013-03-29 12:10:16

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

Liam, it's not about your face, it's about the kit.  You could always obscure or omit your face, a la Woolster.  It's only the internet.  Nothing to be afraid of.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#11748 2013-03-29 12:16:51

Mr. Ivy
Posts: 2477

Re: Ivy League style for today

I'm not sure about cherubic moon but hey ho. I say go for it Liam, I'm always a bit disappointed when you can't see the fit from pics people post, it's a major part of whether the clothes look good or not.

"To be honest I do like FNB...I always feel one of the thunderbirds when I say it."


#11749 2013-03-29 12:43:51

Liam Mac
Ivy Avenger
From: Beyond!
Posts: 4789

Re: Ivy League style for today

I was only pulling your leg WM. What you and the cherub  say is perfectly valid and it's been noted for future posts in this thread.

Cheers lads. Guess I'll have to work out how to use the timer now....

Last edited by Liam Mac (2013-03-29 12:44:53)


#11750 2013-03-29 12:46:49

Drum Thunder !!!
Son of Odin
From: the Time that Land Forgot.
Posts: 3768

Re: Ivy League style for today

Just make sure you're wearing something.

Arrives unpressed and minimally packaged.


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