Update: I just called back and they are now ENTIRELY sold out of every last pair. Looks like we grabbed the last ones.
Thanks for the info . I suppose I helped you get onto them. Win win all round.
(I'm always impressed by LE service - return any time for any reason - they mean it - and free post out here if you return an order and re-order different size or colour - free international call to helpful people)
I wonder why they are discontinuing a line like that? One that I consider superior in almost every way. I'm guessing its a straight demand thing - people don't want them. Same reason they have dropped the length of the points on the OCBD Hyde Park shirt .5 of an inch I suppose. Its always important to remember what a small minority of the market us tasteful gents really are.
Now to work out how to explain to Ms fxh the parcel of 6 pairs of chinos to add to the 10 pair or more I already have. Especially when I'll leave them in the packets for a year, except for the navy - I don't have any navy chinos.
All good things must come to an end. But, good going guys. Nice to see the forum at work like this.
Last edited by fxh (2013-04-17 23:28:44)
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2013-04-18 10:05:56)
Last edited by Harpo (2013-04-18 04:35:45)
Per usual, looking good Harpo. Love that old coat.
Yeah that's a great coat, Harpo!
Looking good!
haha. Makes sense. There's some stupid car or truck commercial I hear sometimes where this total goober is yelling and he says "Be American... Buy American!!" But with his hick accent it sounds like "Be a merkin... Buy a merkin!!"
At Ronnie's last night to see Kurt Elling.
Blue Keydge slack
Green FC shirt
J Press buckle back khakis
"Now, there's no need for that Uri...... yes, we're all very upset"
Now thats proper mental, cause a friend and I are starting a soul night on May 3rd and thats going to be called Sugar Shack!
Last edited by Yuca (2013-04-19 13:59:04)
Last edited by Worried Man (2013-04-19 14:00:41)
Now that pub owner knows how to get people in the door!
Looks like a nice time there. Nice foamy head.
Last edited by Worried Man (2013-04-19 16:27:07)