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#12126 2013-04-28 10:04:38

Posts: 11

Re: Ivy League style for today

thanks Leer. Looks lovely indeed. gotta check ebay more often..


#12127 2013-04-28 10:13:25

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#12128 2013-04-28 10:20:26

Posts: 11

Re: Ivy League style for today

why not, sounds super nice, thanks! Actually I am a 15 in brooks bro slim fit and 15.5 for extras slim fit.
I always go for the half size up when it's slim (what is called slim in Europe though, so something fitted, not
bb slim fit ocbd). Thanks Armchaired.


#12129 2013-04-28 10:28:32

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

Rookie, I think Leer was getting mixed up when he said that shirt was a slim fit.
The Helio was a Brooks brothers makers, Made in USA and not slim fit (i passed him the link).
I have never seen a slim fit makers

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#12130 2013-04-28 10:30:34

Posts: 11

Re: Ivy League style for today

you mean it's the trad fit?


#12131 2013-04-28 10:38:07

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#12132 2013-04-28 10:42:51

Posts: 8568

Re: Ivy League style for today

Last edited by Yuca (2013-04-28 10:43:16)

some sort of banal legitimacy


#12133 2013-04-28 12:42:23

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12134 2013-04-28 12:43:46

Posts: 11

Re: Ivy League style for today

thanks guys for those info! it it's like a trad fit, it's unfortunately nothing for me. Even a slim fit is full on me..


#12135 2013-04-28 12:56:00

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: Ivy League style for today

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#12136 2013-04-28 13:03:20

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: Ivy League style for today

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#12137 2013-04-28 13:23:32

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12138 2013-04-28 13:26:11

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

I don't really see Ivy GW but I do see that soft shouldered European style that will have been a major influence on Ivy.

But labels don't matter. I'm splitting hairs. Love the shoulder line especially. It's a great look overall and you wear it better than anyone else I know. Except maybe Daniele.

... could do with an inch or two higher in the waist though ; )

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#12139 2013-04-28 13:56:25

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: Ivy League style for today

I dunno Liam, its all about the silhouette isn't it? What do others think? Modern Continental Ivy, the same silhouette, the same detail really. Its not really changed, just doesn't use the same marketing yet remains popular in the US. Maybe its that "exotic" thing again?

The washed fabrics are quite a new thing in menswear. They feel and look very soft before they've even had a chance to be worn. I've found with mine that they offer a relaxed look from the off, no waiting for shoulders to "bed in". Very lax and very easy to dress down or up. I think they'd have been a number one seller in the boom years. Regards the trews I think they look in proportion, 11.5" is enough for me.

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#12140 2013-04-28 13:58:33

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: Ivy League style for today

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#12141 2013-04-28 14:08:38

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12142 2013-04-28 14:13:43

Goodyear welt
Ivyist At Large
Posts: 3089

Re: Ivy League style for today

I had to have a look at that "Trad" forum, to see what it was all about. Left me a bit cold really. Theres under the radar, then theres dull as hell.

Rocking traditional, current and classic Italian Ivy since 2011.


#12143 2013-04-28 14:15:52

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

I'm not sure I follow the 'modern continental Ivy' thing. I'm not really clued up enough on all these terms so I'll not argue to much with you on it. 

It's certainly a similar silhouette.  Many of the details are there.

Where does Ivy begin and end? It's that old chestnut.

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#12144 2013-04-28 14:16:16

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12145 2013-04-28 14:19:23

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

There's a joke in there about Mods, DJs and 'making morons dance'  but I'm not going anywhere near it..

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#12146 2013-04-28 18:12:14

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

GW, pants too short and long.  And what are the heels like on those Sassos?  Aren't you tall enough?  Dig the tab collar fer sure.  I'm not getting an IV vibe either.  But, I mean, this coming from a guy that wears desert boots.

Jim, if I didn't know any better, by the looks of those pics I'd say you're American.

And Ivyrookie, ain't nothing wrong with a full cut.  It's the IV thing to do.

Last edited by Worried Man (2013-04-28 18:15:55)

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#12147 2013-04-28 23:56:21

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#12148 2013-04-29 00:35:05

Leer R.
From: Vienna
Posts: 3450

Re: Ivy League style for today

Last edited by Leer R. (2013-04-29 05:24:51)


#12149 2013-04-29 00:37:06

Leer R.
From: Vienna
Posts: 3450

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12150 2013-04-29 02:30:46

Thee Captain
From: The galaxy MACS0647-JD
Posts: 6972

Re: Ivy League style for today

He came he saw he gave the WANKER SIGN! Moved on from Talk Bollocks now as it's well shite innit and y'all look MINGIN'..
I Lunge Therefore I Am #theecaptainofsuave


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