Are those Continental Ivy?
It really ain't Ivy, and it doesn't need to be, I don't mind Soggs posting because I know he appreciates the style, and he is a fellow natural shoulderist.
Continental Ivy is a style, see my Ebony magazine posts from 1960, but things like the subtle break, the lower rise, and the contoured waist suppression don't even give it a look that is similar to the older style of Continental Ivy, it is very much something of Soggy's own footprint. IMO
Are you being serious?
He looks pretty Ivy until you pan down and see the white bunchy triangle. From there on down I loose the Ivy feel.
Last edited by Worried Man (2013-04-29 13:52:13)
I mean, this is just going back to my original reaction to the pic.
My mistake.
Thaw, please give me a link. They look like they go extremely well with my new Continental Ivy soft shouldered Armani jacket.
Well you really need an office job firstly.
What I would say is Soggs has to balance the fact his hips are quite wide compared to his chest, I'm not sure what the measurements are but I wonder if Soggs has a drop lower than 6'', although his waist might be thin, I'm pretty sure his seat wouldn't be. Anyway my point is, with suppression the jacket does give a slight pear shape, but because of how tall he is, it is elongated and doesn't look a severe as some oddly shaped short person, I wonder how a vintage sack would suit Soggs. Be interesting to see.
There is nothing wrong with what Soggs wears, much better than the large majority of the planet, but I would like to see him dress in a full Ivy get up, similar to what Chens wears would work well on Soggs. Imo Also he has the added bonus of not having a face like a balding dyke.
Last edited by THAW !!!! (2013-04-29 14:16:47)
Last edited by THAW !!!! (2013-04-29 14:24:39)
Its (Ivy) elements that I dig are jackets shoulders, shirt collars, shoes, ties and knitwear. I can't view the my "style" as American, apart from chino's and jeans really. I understand that the shoulder line WAS America's classic menswear style but its an international one these days, no one is doing it better than the Italians. I just don't want to look like a throwback to the 60s, its just not me. Not that I don't think it looks great on others. I can't subscribe to wearing just garments that fall into such a rigid famework of rules. Its just not me. I think "utilizing Ivy in a contemporary way" is fair comment. Not that I'm going to get my high rise nipple tickling under pants in a twist about it anyway. I think perhaps its the Modernist school of thought that resides in me.