Well there definitely isn't any sun as of yet.
No. No hipster vibe. Maybe a beat vibe. But I don't know what's up or down at this point. I just like, want to exist, man. THAT is beat.
Wait.... did you guys just hear bongos?
Last edited by Worried Man (2013-05-16 13:59:42)
You look like Mike Bloomfield in that picture Bop. A dead ringer almost.
Shirt is the USA made M&S one, probably back from when they owned Brooks, so between 1988 and 2001? At a guess, the jacket is a J.Press Donegal Mist tweed, the only jacket I've put on that fits well, needs to be longer in the body though, and I don't like J.press shoulders if this is anything to go on. Still waiting for that no existent herringbone Brooks sack in a 50L
What's amiss about the press shoulders IYO?
Well I'm guessing this jacket is from early 2000's at the latest, and that's just a gut feeling more than any real knowledge, I bought it from Zach maybe he knows more, also Woof owns one identical, he might know, I find them too square, a Brooks should, like my wash n wear, is shoulder hugging and round, and makes me happy, this doesn't but I love the tweed it's in.
Since it's canvassed, maybe if you wear it more it will conform to your physique? Sleep in it, shower in it. Fill a tub with scalding water and then wear it till it's dry.
Best tie it up into a bee hive when it gets longer then, there might be safety issues at work when its getting under your feet.
I'll certainly consider it!
I like the clothes NS. I don't recommend buttoning the collar button without a tie though. And if the AA406 looks good on you, they'll probably look even better as shades, at least that's been my experience with frames - find glasses I like, I like them even more as sunglasses.
... I seem to live in that shirt & jacket now...
Must try to wear something different at John Simons on the 23rd next week.