And no I've not keeled over yet.. Me n technology, huh?!
It's a red stripe captain. GW, looks good, but at first glance I thought that tie was one of those piano key ties.
The tie was a stab at getting into the groove of Norway's national day, same colours as the flag...hence the party. Its a big thing, the national day. Even I felt proud when the flag went up on the estate at 06 30. A great country and people. The bass band that were playing I wasn't so keen on. Way to early for that I felt.
The tie is lovely GW. I'm a real fan of Berg & Berg & Berg & Berg. Some very intriguing designs.
Indeed GW... My vision's blurring now but that Peckham looks ace! And I was thinking more cerise on the shirt front WM but there you go..
The stripe doesn't come across in the picture. I've been feeling shit all day, just in a total funk, so maybe it's time for a drink for me as well.
Hot milk, whiskey, honey & cinnamon Chief.. Cures all ills.. And a most delightful beverage to boot Sir..
Last edited by Madras_Seersucker (2013-05-19 22:13:39)
The shirt is a vintage Norm Thompson popover.
Even the white socks look good!
Blue striped BB pjs and a coffee mug, trying to figure out what happened here. Hell. Even new mods. If you consider to talk about your oil-contracts and foreign investors for your infrastructure...roads, bridges...a lot of damage done.
Nothing quite like a brown All-Aggro with the infamous 'quartic' steering wheel.....
Last edited by Madras_Seersucker (2013-05-20 03:43:06)
Don't sell the Austin short, some of them had a vinyl roof. One of my first cars as well. How I laughed when I turned left at a junction and carried on turning left no matter how fast I turned the steering the other way. Great cars.
Gray and overcast at the moment, so prepared for multiple eventualities:
Sebago/Filson docksiders,
LVC 505's,
White Goodwear crew neck tee,
Sears bleeding madras long sleeve button-down- raspberry and turquoise (in anticipation of FC madras offerings),
Uniqlo cotton jumper- moss green,
Keydge* green linen 'Slack',
Bass pocket umbrella ( a freebie when i bought two pair of shoes at an outlet store in the US).