Cheers Tom i love that rich burgundy color and thanks you Henry for he search tip ! They look very nice Tom - I have the chucka version of the Beckmans and was curious about the look of the boots - mine have developed very deep ridges across the vamp from heavy duty use in the outdoors - they will actually look really good when broken in - I recommend saphir renovetour once a month during the season to keep then looking good
Last edited by oxford cloth button down (2013-10-14 15:59:07)
Looking nice. Do you ever have people yell at you? Heckle you? "Hey!! There's that guy that's always standing on that corner staring at the newspaper stand!" *HONK HONK*
Worried Man - Thanks, and occasionally yes.
/\ Nice floppy collar, Patrick, good serious but still relaxed stuff.
Thank you Leer..yes, with suspenders on my strides and socks...I could "ping" at any time...and "ping" I no doubt will...
^ Very nice! I am a big fan of Rooster ties, myself. What does "LVC" stand for...(and no, I'm not kidding.)
Tip of the hat Captain very nice indeed.
Jez Levis vintage clothing also do you use the term "Wank" in the US?
"Wanker" is not an American expression, no. But it isn't so uncommon that someone wouldn't get your drift...
He He..and other than the Rrrs...I follow this lot.... Deportivo Wanka...
I kid you not...Come on You Wanka's....
Don't think I've ever cracked one out that high up Moose.... but the day's not done yet!!
A five knuckle shuffle in a cable car, wow those lucky alpine pervs.
Worthy of the 'Colonel' himself LSA - well played and welcome.