It always had great effect to dress conservatively while thinking revolutionary... Much more effect than the other way round...
Last edited by Patrick (2013-11-05 06:32:07)
That's very eradite and learned of you, but when it comes to dinner party guests, I want great racanteurs and those who can do great party pieces: our own Jim naturally, Noel Coward, Paul Desmond, Duke Ellington, Norman Granz, Barnes Wallace and David Niven for starters. Charles Bukwoski in charge of the bar and Frank Sinatra in charge of bringing in the showgirl entertainment.
If there's one word you need to spell correctly it's erudite.
The Lord
Eradite: second-person plural present active imperative of "erado" which in Latin means I eradicate or abolish.
So yes, the faint glimmer that Latin was going to save my spelling mistake is eradicated.
Last edited by Kingston1an (2013-11-05 09:25:03)
Can I just say your dinner parties sound like sausage fest nightmares.
Nice to see you back M'lord (Ivy).
Ha, I was messing Leer. Good out fit btw . Strange closed quarters on the jacket where did you find that?
Last edited by Bop (2013-11-05 11:51:07)
Crystal-meth mainly, a few barbs, and a bit of brown.
"Custom made" : what a dramatic way of saying it was knitted by your granny. Very sweet.