Hanover longwings, now there's a rare delight!
Having a game of pocket billiards there WM?
Last edited by chuck power (2014-02-15 07:04:37)
From the snowy Northeast mountains to southern California in one post. GREAT!
Old Brooks Brothers shirt, Lands end drifter, vintage wool scarf and duffle coat from montgomery.
Not on picture: raw jeans and sand dessies
/\ that's it in a nutshell
Last edited by IvyLeagueOfGentlemen (2014-02-15 11:56:51)
Many thanks WM - I Love this sort of thing - obviously appealls to the anorak in me Did a bit of 'research' previously about another pair of UK made longwings and came across this:
Some of the stuff nearly had me in tears - whole lives spent working for one company as a sort of extended family. Now I know why I loved 'Clocking Off' so much