I'll have to check how Cpt. scores the cocked knee though.
Excellent display MM.
very cool max. i like that tweed
Last edited by Tomiskinky (2014-03-05 06:02:17)
I can only echo Tom comments, great show all (including Tom) very inspiring.
I have got to say Max you now bare no resemblance to the pictures you posted around a year ago.
You look great Brother.
Cardigan looks great Zach.
Tom, I like that very much - Billax, great shoes...
Fine looking jacket Billax.
Quite a nice show Billax.
Zach, going on the above - sorry to see you've been possessed by the spirit (and body) of Thee Capt. Needs more dancing and leg cocking
Last edited by "6" (2014-03-06 01:38:26)
i don't think billax owns any jackets that aren't fantastic
Cheers Acton - ill try that next time I wear them - wearing my suede ones today - soft as butter.