Cheers Chappies - it's a high standard you all set.
Welcome to Thee Captain's Lungin' Dungeon.
Last edited by Patrick (2014-03-24 15:09:26)
Ha! You should try watching what I'm watching at the moment - "Shooting Bigfoot: America's Monster Hunters". You really do have some bat-shit crazy rednecks.
I can't believe you're watching that shit, Harpo.
Patrick, you do look a little tired, but you still look good.
To be fair, it's a BBC4 fly on the wall documentary which is following them with a wry "They really are batshit crazy" smirk. Big Foot, unsurprisingly, does not feature.
Last edited by Harpo (2014-03-24 16:16:08)
Last edited by oxford cloth button down (2014-03-24 19:33:11)
And before you go ZarJazz....a heads up... the scrutiny's not over yet?!?
Thee homo-erotic element of this forum i.e. the moderators...will need to know which side you dress on Sir?
I'll just stand my corner and welcome you aboard if that's ok...