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#1 2014-05-20 14:38:43

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Five Myths and a Menace...

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#2 2014-05-20 15:00:02

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Five Myths and a Menace...

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#3 2014-05-20 16:13:28

From: Wiseacre
Posts: 8359

Re: Five Myths and a Menace...

"Dressing, like painting, should have a residual stability, plus punctuation and surprise." - Richard Merkin

Souvent me Souvient


#4 2014-05-20 17:14:43

Posts: 4131

Re: Five Myths and a Menace...

Ceteris paribus and all that.

I will have another look tomorrow. It is late and I have had too much whisky (Bowmore) and beer.

"Florid, smug, middle-aged golf club bore in this country I'd say. Propping up the 19th hole in deepest Surrey bemoaning the perils of immigration."


#5 2014-05-21 05:43:37

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Five Myths and a Menace...

Evidently, Mr Lawson hasn't spent too much time in that venerable cast ridden hell hole that is India!

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#6 2014-05-25 12:09:44

Posts: 2358

Re: Five Myths and a Menace...

Gosh, I haven't laughed so hard for a long time.


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