That looks like a bad scene, man.
/\ once I saw this pic of him with Kitty Cat I became a much bigger Steve McQueen fan myself ...... of course he always looks cool, here in shades, Levi's Western shirt, jeans no belt
Good man.
thanks for the decency SMF
I admit, I love cats. Got three of the things.
You've got to post that over in the cute and cuddly thread for added posterity. In all the cats that have crossed my path, tabbies are usually the best in terms of personality, love, and loyalty. Usually the bigger they are, the cooler they are too.
/\ my pleasure WM ......
I LOVE CATS too...though struggle to eat a whole one these days....
Kool Kat. Claws ready ta scrap.
Last edited by chuck power (2014-07-20 03:21:21)
Love that photo, it's in my (tiny, sporadic and partial in both senses of the word) inspiration archive.
Talk Ivy meetup.